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Meet the New Shoe! (cuteness alert)

It's a boy!

The following resolution isn't on the agenda for the next City Council meeting on Monday, May 14.

But it probably should be.

Whereas Hudson Lee Shoemaker entered the world at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 3, 2018, and

Whereas said Hudson Lee Shoemaker tipped the scales at a healthy seven pounds, nine ounces, and

Whereas mom Jenna is resting comfortably, and

Whereas dad Matthew, a hard-working Ward 3 councillor, hadn't slept for almost 37 hours at the time this article was posted and is probably far too tired to draft Resolution #137 since he was elected in 2014,

Now therefore be it resolved that hearty congratulations be extended to the Shoemakers and that Hudson Lee be welcomed as Ward 3's newest and cutest resident.


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