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Guy bumps head, kinda forgets to tell police about crash

OPP NEWS RELEASE ************************* I guess he has never heard of 911 GOULAIS RIVER, ON - Another Western Canada man experienced some difficulty keeping his vehicle on the roadway late Friday night.


************************* I guess he has never heard of 911

GOULAIS RIVER, ON - Another Western Canada man experienced some difficulty keeping his vehicle on the roadway late Friday night.

Sometime during the darkened hours of Friday night and Saturday morning a man went off the roadway and snapped a hydro pole on an isolated section of Old Goulais Bay Road in Goulais River.

He claims to have gone to a neighbouring house but no one was there.

It wasn’t until Saturday morning, when Great Lakes Power was notified of the broken pole that the man returned to his car and notified police of his mishap and negligence in remembering to call someone about the broken pole. The driver claims to have bumped his head in the crash.

The investigation is still ongoing and charges are pending.


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