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Ferrochrome, climate activists fight for representation on Sault's new environmental committee

They accuse City Council of intentionally stacking the new environmental sustainability committee with representatives of heavy industry and the fossil-fuel sector
Ferrochrome protest in October, 2019 at Clergue Park. James Hopkin/SooToday

A soon-to-be launched City Hall committee is emerging as an improbable battlefield pitting the interests of heavy industry against environmental concerns.

Less than two hours after the city released the proposed composition of its brand-new Environmental Sustainability Committee last Friday, members of the local green community were buzzing with indignation over what they saw as a predominance of representation of heavy industry and the fossil fuels sector.

Faster than Grandview Gardens gossip, a letter-writing campaign was mounted, mobilizing social media groups like No Ferrochrome Plant Sault Ste. Marie and Sault Climate Hub.

By the time City Council met last night to approve appointments to the new committee and more than 30 other boards, committees and agencies, Mayor Christian Provenzano and his councillors were definitely hearing the message.

Ward 3 Coun. Matthew Shoemaker was already conceding he'd really like to see someone from Algoma University on the committee.

A backpedaling Mayor Provenzano was talking about adding a couple more committee members to round things out.

A reincarnation of the city's 13-year-old Green Committee, the Environmental Sustainability Committee is intended to oversee rollout of the Sault's greenhouse gas reduction plan, and to support projects that protect and enhance local environmental sustainability.

Approved last night, the committee's members consist of one city councillor (Ward 3 Coun. Donna Hilsinger), along with seven citizen representatives: Rimaz Abakar, Mark Britton, Erik Emilson, Jaime Graham, Fred Post, Andre Riopel, and Bhavna Sikka.

Erik Emilson is a forest aquatic ecologist at Great Lakes Forestry Centre.

Andre Riopel needs no introduction to Saultites, a well-known physiotherapist and irrepressible advocacy director at Sault Cycling Club.

As for the other members, Fred Post and Rimaz Abakar are from Algoma Steel, Bhavna Sikka is from Tenaris Algoma Tubes, Mark Britton work for PUC Services Inc. and Jaime Graham is a Sault College professor of corporate social responsibility with extensive experience in Western Canada's oil and gas industry.

The old Green Committee had about 25 members and was considered unwieldy.

The new Environmental Sustainability Committee has been deliberately scaled down to just eight members.

"This is shockingly terrible," said Abby Obenchain, an outspoken opponent of Noront Resources Ltd.'s ferrochrome refinery proposed for the Algoma Steel property.

"Four members work for heavy industry, one used to work for fossil fuel companies, one works for PUC which is hardly an independent voice and only two are actually people who represent the people's interests," Obenchain wrote on her public Facebook page.

"This is very disappointing as presumably this committee is supposed to be a guiding light for implementing the city's climate change plan and address other environmental issues, likely including those related to the smelter."

A retired communicator for Ontario's Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Obenchain says she applied unsuccessfully for the committee.

Similarly rejected was Kara Flannigan, the public health inspector who has run locally for both the provincial and federal Green Parties. 

"I certainly have received outreach about the composition of that committee," said Mayor Provenzano.

"There are a number of committees where the composition is limited to a certain number of people. In this case, this committee was limited to a certain number of people so the nominations committee couldn't make recommendations beyond that number of people," Provenzano added.

Coun. Shoemaker said there were 25 applicants for the committee's seven positions.

"There was much demand for the positions that were on there.... Given that over 60 per cent of the carbon emissions come from our industrial players, obviously we know who they are, Algoma and Tenaris. We thought it was necessary to include Algoma reps and Tenaris reps on our environmental sustainablility committee," Shoemaker said.

"There can be no realistic reaching of our objectives to reduce our carbon footprint without them at the table."

"It's not a conflict. It's necessary in order to achieve the kind of goals we're trying to achieve."

"We wished that there were others that could be included," Shoemaker said.

"Specifically, I think we wished that there was an Algoma University rep. There was a name from Sault College and a name from Algoma University. Both of them made it to the final echelons of voting. Ultimately, we were limited to what the committee composition is."

"If there was room to expand, I think an Algoma University rep would have been the next preference of the committee."

Mayor Provenzano pointed out that the city has no regulatory authority to resolve environmental issues outside its own activities.

"To implement our plan requires co-operation. It requires that we have our largest emitters as part of the process."

Provenzano suggested that the nominations approved last night be sent back to staff and the nominating committee, to determine whether the new committee ought to be larger.

If so, councillors could alter the committee's terms of reference at the next City Council meeting.

"It seems that there are other names on the list, people who have lots to offer. There's no reason we have to be rigid about this and keep the committee and the size it's currently prescribed," the mayor said.

The new Environmental Sustainability Committee is expected to initially meet every two months for the first year, then quarterly once the committee has found its footing.

The following is the full list of other two-year appointments approved by City Council last night:


Environmental Monitoring Committee

One member of City Council; two municipal staff; four citizens representing area residents and the public; one representative of the Ministry of the Environment.

Councillor P. Christian has indicated interest in serving on this committee.

Resolved that Councillor P. Christian, the Director of Engineering or designate, the Land Development and Environmental Engineer, and citizens Rimaz Abakar, Tracy Galizia, Peter McLarty, and Brent Rouble be appointed to the Environmental Monitoring Committee from January 11, 2021 to December 31, 2022.

Best for Kids Committee

One member of City Council; maximum of twelve citizens; one municipal staff.

Councillor S. Hollingsworth indicated interest in serving on this committee.

Resolved that Councillor S. Hollingsworth; and citizens Paul Beach, Helen Calvelli, Lanna Coletti, Jackie Lajoie, Kate Lawrence, Lori McDonald, Kate Parniak, Debbie Renaud, Patrick Shannon, and Siegmar Sonntag be appointed to the Best for Kids Committee.

Christmas Lighting Award Program Judging Committee

Four members of City Council; four citizens.

Councillors C. Gardi, S. Hollingsworth, M. Scott and L. Vezeau-Allen indicated interest in serving on this committee.

Resolved that Councillors C. Gardi, S. Hollingsworth, M. Scott, and L. Vezeau-Allen; and citizens Tina Bastos, Lindsay Marshall, Steven McCoy, and Cindy Rainone be appointed to the Christmas Lighting Award Program Judging Committee.

Committee of Revision – Local Improvements

Three citizens and an alternate (recommended).

Bylaw 2021-7 appointing Elizabeth Barban, Katie Blunt, and Elizabeth Filice to the Committee of Revision.

Community Development Award Committee

Five citizens.

Resolved that Robert Burns, Rebecca Evans, Jerrica Gilbert, Melissa Scheiber, and Steven Zuppa be appointed to the Community Development Award Committee.

Cultural Vitality Committee

One member of City Council; minimum of six citizens including one member of the Mayor's Youth Advisory Council

Councillor D. Hilsinger indicated interest in serving on this committee.

Resolved that Councillor D. Hilsinger; citizens Katie Blunt, Heather Bot, Miranda Bouchard, Jasmina Jovanovic, Sean Meades, Aliesha Moore, Andrea Pinheiro, Larry Whalen, and Jane Yonge Omollo; and one member of the Mayor's Youth Advisory Council be appointed to the Cultural Vitality Committee.

Dangerous Dog Committee

Four members of City Council.

Councillors M. Bruni, S. Hollingsworth, R. Niro, and M. Scott indicated interest in serving on this committee.

Resolved that Councillors M. Bruni, S. Hollingsworth, R. Niro, and M. Scott be appointed to the Dangerous Dog Committee.

Emergency Management Planning Committee

Two members of City Council and mayor.

Councillors M. Bruni, P. Christian, and C. Gardi indicated interest in serving on this committee.

Resolved that Mayor C. Provenzano; and Councillors M. Bruni, and C. Gardi be appointed to the Emergency Management Planning Committee.

Fence Viewers Committee

Three citizens

Bylaw 2021-7 appointing Elizabeth Filice, Shannen Scott, and Alexander White to the Fence Viewers Committee.

Finance Committee

Three or five members of City Council; two citizens.

Councillors M. Bruni, P. Christian, D. Hilsinger, R. Niro, and L. Vezeau-Allen indicated interest in serving on this committee.

Resolved that Councillors M. Bruni, P. Christian, D. Hilsinger, R. Niro, and Councillor L. Vezeau-Allen; and citizens Ahmad Alkosani and Penny Collett be appointed to the Finance Committee.

Historic Sites Board

One member of City Council; minimum of six citizens

Councillor S. Hollingsworth indicated interest in serving on this board.

Resolved that Councillor S. Hollingsworth and citizens Silvana Casola, David Conyers, Steven McCoy, Jami van Haaften, Charlotte Wiseman, and Alicia Wood-Salomon be appointed to the Historic Sites Board.

Municipal Heritage Committee

One member of City Council; minimum of five citizens

Councillor M. Shoemaker indicated interest in serving on this committee.

Bylaw 2021-7 appointing Councillor M. Shoemaker; and citizens Deane Greenwood, Mark Jones, Kaitlin Kazmierowski, Sean Meades, Harvey Robinson, Jami van Haaften, Alexander White, and Alicia Wood-Salomon to the Municipal Heritage Committee.

Ontarians with Disabilities Accessibility Advisory Committee

Two members of City Council; fourteen citizens (majority of the members of this committee shall be persons with disabilities)

Councillors M. Bruni and L. Vezeau-Allen indicated interest in serving on this committee.

Resolved that Councillors M. Bruni and L. Vezeau-Allen; and citizens Anne Marie Borkowski, Don Calvert, Jordan Derochie, Denise Elliott, Tracy Galizia, Shannon Gowans, Dan Jennings, Craig Kohler, Derrick Lavallee, Sean MacDonald, Carol Magnan, Diane Morrell, Shirley Pulkkinen, and Debbie Renaud be appointed to the Ontarians with Disabilities Accessibility Advisory Committee.

Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee

One member of City Council; eight citizens.

Councillor M. Shoemaker indicated interest in serving on this committee.

Resolved that Councillor M. Shoemaker; and citizens Chris Alfano, Robert Carricato, Jennifer Flood, Deane Greenwood, Mark Kontulainen, Tracey McClelland, Paul McDonald, and Susan Milne be appointed to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee.

Property Standards Committee

Three citizens.

Bylaw 2021-7 appointing citizens Isaiah Bressan, Jordan Derochie, and Elizabeth Filice to the Property Standards Committee.

Sault Ste. Marie Public Library Board

One citizen.

Resolved that Mike Olejnik be appointed to the Sault Ste. Marie Public Library Board.

Walk of Fame Selection Committee

Three members of City Council; three members of the Business Improvement Area; two citizens; one member representing Chamber of Commerce.

Councillors P. Christian, C. Gardi, and M. Shoemaker indicated interest in serving on this committee.

Resolved that Councilors P. Christian, C. Gardi, and M. Shoemaker; and citizen Elizabeth Filice be appointed to the Walk of Fame Selection Committee.


Algoma District Municipal Association

Two members of City Council and an alternate if desired.

Councillors M. Bruni and M. Scott indicated interest in serving on this association.

Resolved that Councillors M. Bruni and M. Scott be appointed to the Algoma District Municipal Association.

Algoma Public Health Board of Directors

Three members of City Council; three citizens or any combination thereof (historically one member of City Council and two citizens).

Councillor M. Scott indicated interest in serving on this board. The Board and Committee Nominating Committee has nominated citizens Louise Caicco Tett and Musa Onyuna.

Resolved that Councillor M. Scott; and citizens Louise Caicco Tett and Musa Onyuna be appointed to the Algoma Public Health Board of Directors.

District Social Services Administration Board

Five members of City Council (must be members of Council – Ontario Regulation 410/06)

Councillors M. Bruni, L. Dufour, C. Gardi, D. Hilsinger, and M. Scott indicated interest in serving on this board.

Resolved that Councillors M. Bruni, L. Dufour, C. Gardi, D. Hilsinger, and M.Scott be appointed to the Sault Ste. Marie District Social Service Administration Board.

Celebrating International Friendship Committee Bridgewalk Group

One member of City Council.

Councillor M. Shoemaker indicated interest in serving on this committee.

Resolved that Councillor M. Shoemaker be appointed to the Celebrating International Friendship Committee Bridgewalk Group.

Sault Ste. Marie Region Conservation Authority

Four members of City Council.

Councillors M. Bruni, C. Gardi, S. Hollingsworth, and R. Niro indicated interest in serving on this board.

Resolved that Councillors M. Bruni, C. Gardi, S. Hollingsworth, and R. Niro be appointed to the Sault Ste. Marie Region Conservation Authority.

Sault Ste. Marie Police Services Board

Mayor (or if mayor chooses, another member of City Council); one member of City Council; one citizen.

Councillor L. Vezeau-Allen indicated interest in serving on this board.

Resolved that Mayor C. Provenzano, Councillor L. Vezeau-Allen, and citizen Rick Webb be appointed to the Police Services Board.

Source Protection Committee

Appoint one municipal staff.

Resolved that the Land Development and Environmental Engineer be appointed to the Source Protection Committee.


Algoma University Board of Governors

Nominate one person to represent the city.

Councillor M. Scott indicated interest in serving on this board.

Resolved that Councillor M. Scott be nominated to the Algoma University Board of Governors.

Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM)

Councillor S. Hollingsworth indicated interest in serving on this board.

Resolved that Councillor S. Hollingsworth be nominated to the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities.

Innovation Centre Board of Directors

Nominate one member of City Council (non-voting) and Mayor ex officio (non-voting); three citizens; one municipal staff.

Councillor M. Scott indicated interest in serving on this board.

Resolved that Mayor C. Provenzano (non-voting); Councillor M. Scott (non-voting); citizens Ron Common, Lori Naccarato, and Asima Vezina; and Deputy CAO, Community Development and Enterprise Services be nominated to the Innovation Centre Board of Directors.

Museum Management Board

Nominate one municipal staff.

Resolved that the Manager of Recreation and Culture be nominated to the Museum Management Board.

Public Utilities Commission (Water)

Nominate five members (can be citizens or Councillors or a combination).

Mayor C. Provenzano and Councillor S. Hollingsworth indicated interest in serving on this board.

Resolved that Mayor C. Provenzano; Councillor S. Hollingsworth; and citizens Mark Howson, Musa Onyuna, and David Zuccato be nominated to the Public Utilities Commission.

St. Mary's River Bi-national Public Advisory Committee

Nominate one municipal staff.

Resolved that the Land Development and Environmental Engineer be nominated to the St. Mary's River Bi-national Public Advisory Committee.

Ad-hoc Committees Coalition for Inclusive Municipalities

Two members of City Council.

Councillor L. Vezeau-Allen indicated interest in serving on this committee.

Resolved that Councillors L. Vezeau-Allen and D. Hilsinger be appointed to the Coalition for Inclusive Municipalities.


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