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Fair and lower taxes: Fremlin

NEWS RELEASE PC CANDIDATE ROD FREMLIN ************************ “The Ontario PCs will replace the McGuinty-Wynne Liberals’ corporate welfare programs with fair and lower taxes that will create 120,000 new jobs.



“The Ontario PCs will replace the McGuinty-Wynne Liberals’ corporate welfare programs with fair and lower taxes that will create 120,000 new jobs.”

Today Rod Fremlin, PC Candidate for Sault Ste. Marie was proud to support Tim Hudak and the Ontario PC’s plan to create 120,000 new jobs by replacing McGuinty-Wynne corporate welfare programs with fair and lower taxes for all employers.

“High taxes are driving jobs out of Ontario. We have witnessed it across Northern Ontario and locally here in Sault Ste. Marie”, said Fremlin.

“While workers and small businesses struggle to stay afloat, Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne hand out billions of dollars of corporate welfare to well-connected multinational corporations.”

Only Tim Hudak and the Ontario PC Party have a plan to replace McGuinty-Wynne corporate welfare programs with fair and lower taxes for all employers.  

“By reducing these taxes by 30% we will create 120,000 new jobs”, said Fremlin.

A Tim Hudak Ontario PC government will take Ontario out of the crony capitalism business. 

Our Million Jobs Plan will give everyone a level playing field and a fair shot.

For more information on the Ontario PC Million Dollar Plan please visit


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