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Duct-tape bra is the newest Polar Bear swimwear craze

We're unable to provide any kind of rational explanation for this, but the latest swimwear craze at this year's Bon Soo Polar Bear Swim was the duct-tape bra (shown).

We're unable to provide any kind of rational explanation for this, but the latest swimwear craze at this year's Bon Soo Polar Bear Swim was the duct-tape bra (shown).

The fashion accessory, which appeared to defy both logic and gravity, was sported by a handful of participants in Saturday's swim at Bellevue Park.

It is always worn outside another piece of clothing, and SooToday News has it on good authority that wearing a duct-tape bra in any other fashion necessitates an excruciating removal process afterward.

At least one male, who seemed more handy than handsome, employed the uplifting device during Saturday's dip.

SooToday photo coverage

Duct-tape bras modelled by two attractive participants and one ugly one More lingerie from the Red Green collection 2003 Polar Bear Swim #27 2003 Polar Bear Swim #28 2003 Polar Bear Swim #29 2003 Polar Bear Swim #30 This one's chicken! Participant demonstrates how to tip-toe across the water

To see 24 earlier photos of this year's Bon Soo Polar Bear Swim from our Saturday coverage, please click here.

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