Starting January 1, the International Bridge will charge a US$75 "escort fee" for oversized loads and vehicles carrying poison gas, flammable solids or other placarded materials.
The new fee will be charged in addition to the regular toll charge.
The following is the full text of an announcement made this afternoon by the Joint International Bridge Authority:
********************** New policy enhances safety on International Bridge
December 5, 2003 -- The Joint International Bridge Authority has unanimously approved a new escort policy that will go into effect January 1, 2004.
The policy, which applies to placarded and oversized loads, includes a $75 (USD) or $100 (CND) escort fee to be paid in addition to the toll charge.
Placarded vehicles include those carrying explosives, poison gas, flammable solids or radioactive materials. "This fee will help cover the costs associated with escorting vehicles," said International Bridge Administration General Manager Phil Becker. "It also addresses safety and security issues." Drivers must contact the IBA for an escort when they arrive at the bridge plaza.
They will be escorted across the bridge by International Bridge employees at speeds below 15 mph or 25 kph. The policy also addresses wide loads. "When we get a load that is wider than 13 feet 6 inches we have to shut down the bridge," Becker said. "For those loads we require prior notice." The plan also ensures that oversized and overwidth loads do not meet while crossing the two-lane span. "This policy is a reflection of our commitment to safety, not only for the trucks carrying these materials, but for passenger vehicles as well," Becker added.