Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. - The Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians has helped underwrite a springtime pow-wow, to be hosted March 23-24 on the campus of Lake Superior State University.
The event is being organized by LSSU’s Native American Center and the Native American Student Organization.
Sault Tribe presented a $5,000 check to help defer costs.
The photo shows LSSU alumna and Sault Tribe Board of Directors member Cathy Abramson, center, presenting the check to, from left: Stephanie Sabatine, director of LSSU Native American Center and Campus Diversity; LSSU student Nichole Causley, secretary of the Native American Student Organization; student Jeff Gaus, NASO coordinator; Ken Peress, LSSU vice president of student affairs; LSSU President Betty Youngblood; and Naomi Weber, NASO president.
Activities begin on Friday, March 23, with an open house and spiritual gathering between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. in LSSU’s Native American Center.
The building adjoins the Shouldice Library parking and is located at the east end of LSSU’s Row Houses.
The public is also welcome to a potluck feast during the day, and may bring a dish to pass around.
Saturday’s highlight is the pow-wow in LSSU’s Norris Center Cooper Gym.
Grand entries happen at 1 and 7 p.m.
Host drum is Waabishka Biijikii Onakwad, White Buffalo Cloud, from Bay Mills, Mich.
Vendors on hand will offer homemade and cultural crafts.
The pow-wow is free and everyone is welcome.
For more information, e-mail Nichole Causley at or Jeff Gaus at, or contact LSSU’s Native American Center at 906-635-2223.
LSSU photo by John Shibley.
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