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Applications now open for 2021 Summer Company program

Grants available to youth aged 15 to 29
Youth entrepreneur Samuel Jansen launched Hot Dog Sammy's World Famous Weenies in 2018 through the Summer Company Program. James Hopkin/SooToday

Applications are now open for the 2021 Summer Company youth entrepreneurship initiative.

A news release issued today by the City of Sault Ste. Marie states that the program offers grants of up to $3,000 for applicants aged 15 to 29 to help kickstart their seasonal business ideas.

The application deadline is May 17.

Full text of the news release follows:

Are you looking to be your own boss this summer? Applications are being accepted for the young entrepreneur program Summer Company. The program provides grants and mentoring to assist high school and post-secondary students in starting a seasonal business.

Summer Company is open to youth ages 15 – 29 who are returning to school in the fall. Approved participants are provided a grant of up to $3,000 to start and operate a summer business. Full program eligibility can be found on the Government of Ontario’s website.

“This is a great way for youth to experience entrepreneurship and learn from business leaders in our community,” said Jessica Maione, economic development officer with the City of Sault Ste. Marie. “Despite these challenging times, we’re pleased to see some of last year’s participants maintain year-round operations.”

Since 2010, a total of 140 businesses in the Algoma region were started through Summer Company. Funded by the Province of Ontario, the program is administered by the Economic Development division of the City of Sault Ste. Marie.

The application deadline is May 17, 2021 and there is limited space in the program. For more information and to apply, visit the Millworks website or contact Jessica Maione at [email protected].





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