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LETTER: Councillor was right: Parking should be banned on Morrison

'It is unfortunate that a department head had different views'
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SooToday received this letter about banning parking on Morrison Avenue.

I would like to congratulate Coun. Rick Niro for presenting "parking ban on Morrison Avenue." Not only his presentation in 2022, but to the city fathers that stuck to his resolution.

It is unfortunate that a department head had different views.

True, no accidents occurred there, but the time wasn't written in the stars. Never assume. The saying goes, "walk in my shoes..." What does that tell you? It should have been investigated why Mr. Niro made that statement.

I, myself, have been in that situation many a time going up that roadway.

Before anyone can make a judgment, look further, travel that route, "seek and ye shall find."

Mr. Niro, was one of the best councillors in my ward. A job well done.

Helen Calvelli
Sault Ste. Marie
