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RICARD, Justin Robert



A year ago, September 16th our world crashed down around us. The worst possible news had to be given to seven beautiful children, family and friends. Over this past year, we have missed your hugs, your laugh, your dad jokes, your competitive/playful nature, and your passion for sports and your career. There have been many tears with these painful milestones. However, there has also been some growth, healing, amazing stories shared, and lots of laughter while remembering you. Some days the loss can bring us to our knees unable to breathe. Each day that goes by is not easier, but rather an opportunity to remember and appreciate all of the heartfelt memories that we have. We can feel you around us when times are hard and we need that extra bit of strength. We hear your boisterous laugh when we talk about you and the things that you once did with us like playing board games, watching sports very passionately, big family get-togethers and vacations. Your big comforting hugs and storytimes are greatly missed at nighttime and no one could ever fill that void. You were the biggest presence in our lives and are missed so dearly. Everyday, we strive to make you proud and keep your spirit alive. You will always be our Superhero giving us strength throughout. Love you to the moon and back Daddy/Justin. “You Rock” XO