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Today we remember a man who brought warmth and joy to our family.

Although you are gone, your presence never fades.

You still live in the details of our lives, in the places we shared, in the memories that revisit us each day.

Your laughter, your touch, and your voice still echoes in our ears as if they never left for a moment.

We feel your presence in our joys, as if you are celebrating with us, and we mourn you in our sorrow, as if you are comforting us from afar.

We miss you in reality, but you remain closer to us than ever before.

You may have left this world, but you will always remain in our hearts.

Baci senza fine, caro Papa, Nonno and Bisnonno.

Lina, Brenda, Ivana, Pat, Nancy and families. Xoxo…