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Grampi Charles G Thorkilson


July 20, 1941 - September 14, 2023


1 year has passed since you left our world. Dad, Grampi , Brother, Uncle, Amigo, Cousin and now Great Grampi, you will always be greatly missed by us all. We will forever cherish memories with you, and never forget your wise words. "We will endeavor to persevere"


We hope you're catching big fish and calling in some big bucks up there in the great outdoors. Deer camp will never be the same without you, but we will continue your traditions forever. 


We love you, Skål !



" Gone Hunting "


Remember the smiles and not the tears

for all the hunts throughout the years

don't dwell on things left unsaid

cherish the memories we had instead


Like the crisp mornings and dusky nights

a trophy buck within our sights

deer camp with friends and family

these moments meant so much to me


When peace from nature all around

was shattered by a sudden sound

i always hoped your aim was true

and smiled proud for all of you


Don't cry for me because life is done

stalking the fields has just begun

come fall may smiles adorn your face

knowing I've gone hunting...

In a better place