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Elizabeth Ann Bedell
( Betty to her friends and family) aka Ma or Gramma to her 14 children and 116 grand and great grand children .
Betty Passed peacefully into the loving embrace of her beloved husband, my Father, Fred Bedell as they reunited in Glory on Monday, October 5, 2015 she was 83 yrs young .
A true woman's woman , never one to take anyone's bullshit , always standing up for herself and a staunch defender of her 14 children . Her blood and her strength runs through the veins of Her 9 daughters and 25 granddaughters who follow her lead as a proud woman of strength, compassion , knowledge and faith as well as her 5 sons and 26 grandsons who also witnessed and know the true measure of a good woman. Today Ma’s spirit and wisdom lives even further on in her 63 great grandchildren . Ma lived with compassion for the less fortunate while making no appologies for being a Strong , proud woman , with honourable convictions .who would council you with love and understanding or set you straight if you needed it . Ma, Gramma , Teacher, Doctor , Joker , Hero , Friend , and My most valued Council . All of that and so much more in 5’2 and 120 lbs of dynamite . This Oct 5 marks 6 long yrs without her , I have missed her and our morning coffee calls for every 2192 days that she’s been gone. The void left in my life alone is immense but the abundance of seeds of love and life that she planted will carry her beautiful and indomitable spirit for generations to come. Not a day goes by that I am not reminded of her and long to hear her voice or see her smile . I am eternally indebted to my Mother like no other for she was My greatest ally and my children’s precious gramma who taught me so much about being a mother including how to make my family one kickass Turkey dinner !
As Ma would say; “Now you Know what I know ;”