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CORBETT, Robert 'Bob'



In memory of my dad that passed away 30 years ago August 11, 1986 at the young age of 46
Dad I don't know where to start but has time flew by. Hard to believe that I am actually older than what you made it to. Since you left so much has gone on like Diane and I having kids Colin who joined you in 1993 whom I'm sure you are enjoying and I have two beautiful daughters Veronica and Victoria.
Diane is still as beautiful as ever and doing well.
Mom is still doing good but she's getting to be an old girl now lol and is married to an awesome guy Ron who we love like another dad you would like him.
Me, well I'm not doing bad carried on with the old cars and still get as much pleasure as we used to when I was much younger. I've had a few bumps in the road along the way which you know only too well having had a few yourself.
Well I could go on there is so much that has happened but one thing has remained constant and that is I miss you as much as ever and wish you were here to work on the old cars and enjoy the hotrod.
Guess I better run I love you and miss you and look forward to meeting again though I'm not in a rush

Peter, Diane, Roni, Victoria