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A year ago today - Sept 14, 2019
My Beautiful Sweet Sister Janice -
There are so many things to be said about the impact you’ve had, and continue to have on my life because of the kind of person you were. I want to tell the world what an inspiration you were and still are, how selfless you were to many throughout the years when you were in dire times yourself, and how much you mean to me. I know you don’t want any of us to dwell on the sad things but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t hurting. There is such a huge void in my life without you here. I felt that emptiness and deep pain when Momma died, and then Daddy, but this is different. You’re not only my sister, you were my best friend, my confidant, my constant positive before and even after you got sick. I can’t put into words how much I love and miss you but I know without a doubt you can feel it from where you are. I feel you with me too, in my dreams, on my walks, sitting on the beach, in the starry night sky, in the warmth of the sun, on my late night drives, always in music and always in my heart. We made the time we spent together the best we could under the circumstances. Something I never got to tell you that is so important for you to know is that the good memories by far outshine the bad during your journey. Jan, I’m forever grateful and feel beyond blessed for the time I got to spend with you. You were my beautiful distraction at a difficult time of my life during what was the most formidable part of yours, your journey to becoming an Angel. I’m still in awe of you Jan, I always will be. Thank you for being you. I miss you like crazy, I love you so very much, your Baby Sister Tracy XOXO \m/

You shoot me down,
But I won’t fall
I am Titanium

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