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Celebrating five years of trust: A heartfelt 'thank you' from Soo Medical Services to their customers

Manager Ada Mair expresses deep gratitude to their loyal clients for their continued support

Soo Medical Services has always prided itself on being more than just a retail medical supply store. Manager Ada Mair says, “Over the past 5 years, we’ve become a community hub where compassion meets service, and that’s thanks to each and every one of our customers.”

Soo Medical Services’ journey began with a simple mission; to provide medical products to their elderly, ailing, and post-surgery clients. But as the company has grown, they’ve realized that their purpose goes beyond the shelves stocked with essential supplies. Ada says, “It’s about the connections we’ve built, the lives we’ve touched, and the stories we’ve shared.”

Ada has been at the heart of the business for the past 5 years, ensuring that everyone receives the care and attention they deserve. She credits their customers’ loyalty and trust for the growth of the business and its expanded services.

It’s a privilege

Over the years Soo Medical Services has had the privilege of assisting countless customers on their road to recovery and better health. They’ve provided everything from mobility aids to incontinence products, to post-surgery essentials, always ensuring their customers have access to the best products at an affordable price. For example, their ostomy orders have increased dramatically because customers are comparing prices online. Their personal protective equipment such as masks and gloves are the best value.

Soo Medical Services is often the first stop for clients when they leave the hospital after a surgical procedure. Ada and her team have a wonderful relationship with the hospital staff who readily recommend them to their patients.

Meeting their customers needs

Soo Medical Services goes above and beyond to meet their clients’ needs. For example, one woman came in asking for advice on how to make it easier and safer for a loved one to take a bath.

Staff suggested a transfer bench that worked beautifully.

Individuals walk in the door and explain what they need and the team at Soo Medical Services will do best to supply it, even if it means calling a competitor for help. Ada says, “If I don’t have a specific product, I will help our clients find it. Our top priority is ensuring that customers receive the products they need. We try to do what is best for our clients.”

Ada, Kerry and April take customers’ suggestions to heart. For example, they now have a shelf dedicated to individual first aid supplies, so that customers don’t have to buy the entire kit. Soo Medical Services has quite a few products in stock now because they’ve listened to their customers’ suggestions. Staff believes Soo Medical Services is their customers’ medical store.

Soo Medical Services is committed to providing excellent service and care. Staff are always striving to meet the needs of their community, whether it’s introducing new products, expanding their service hours, or simply being there when their customers need them. But most importantly, they are available to offer a listening ear, a comforting word, and a helping hand.

Their customers are family

One of the most rewarding aspects of the job for staff is seeing the positive impact their services and attention have had on her customers’ lives. Ada says, “We’ve celebrated when customers come back and tell us how we’ve helped a family member. We’ve celebrated when customers who’ve had knee or hip surgery are back on their feet. This job is rewarding because we’re helping people feel better.”

The staff are particularly grateful for the relationships that have blossomed over the years. They say, “Our customers aren’t just clients, they’re family. We know their names, their stories, and their struggles and they know us. That bond is priceless.”

A heartfelt 'Thank You'

Soo Medical Services has grown to become a vital part of the community’s healthcare ecosystem. But Ada stresses, “The real heroes of our success have been our loyal customers whose support and trust have helped fuel our growth.” Because of their growth, they’ve increased their staff and extended their hours 8:30am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday. They are now open Saturdays from Noon to 4:00pm.

Ada and her entire team at Soo Medical Services want to extend a sincere Thank You to all their wonderful customers. She says, “Your support has not only helped us grow as a business but has also enriched our lives in immeasurable ways. Each visit and each kind word has fueled our passion to serve you better.”

Soo Medical Services also has a heartfelt message for their customers and the community. To everyone who has walked through our doors, recommended us to a friend, or simply smiled and said hello, thank you. Here’s to many more years of health, happiness, and community.

Contact Soo Medical Services at (705) 574-0228 Email: [email protected], visit them at 656 Great Northern Road in Sault Ste. Marie or on Facebook or Instagram.