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'Lost and Found' kicks off National Poetry Month

Class applied a literary form of erasure to substitute visual elements for words or sections removed from printed text in a book
Writing students Brianna Boyer (foreground, left) and Michaela Titus chat in this supplied photo. LSSU/Mary McMyne

A reception featuring the work of Lake Superior State University creative writing students opened National Poetry Month at LSSU on April 3.

The exhibit Lost and Found features visual erasure poems by ENGL 223 students Leah Bartz, Ky Dubeau, Elizabeth Garavaglia, Daraka Hudecek, Amy Lehigh, MaKaila Marrison, Leah Mockridge, Rachel Tallon, Michaela Titus, and Wayne Thompson.

The class applied a literary form of erasure, also called blackout poetry, to substitute visual elements for words or sections removed from printed text in a book.

Students chose to erase texts from Virginia Woolf, William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, Cormac McCarthy, Denis Johnson, J.K. Rowling, Arthur C. Clarke, a hymnal, and a book of quotes.

The show, a class project with Prof. Mary McMyne, runs through April 15 in the Kenneth J. Shouldice Library gallery, located just inside the library's main entrance.



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