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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

ARE YOU MISSING A MOTOR BIKE? (Sault Ste. Marie, ON) You may want to take a look around your garage and see if you are missing a small, red youth dirt bike.

(Sault Ste. Marie, ON) You may want to take a look around your garage and see if you are missing a small, red youth dirt bike. The 2005 Youth dirt bike appears to be almost new, the plastic protective cover is still on the seat.

It was recovered by OPP officer’s on Saturday, the 27th September 2008 just north of the City and no one has claimed the motorbike to date.

The public may contact the Sault Ste. Marie Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police at
1-888-310-1122 for more information.


It is hunting season again. On the 15th of September 2008 small game season for firearms opened, soon on the 11th of October 2008, moose season and then in November deer hunting season for firearms owners.

There are certain requirements for carrying firearms in a motor vehicle or when stopped by either a Conservation Officer or OPP Officer doing vehicle checks in our detachment area.

While it is not an offence to fail to surrender documentation to a peace officer on demand a peace officer must be satisfied that the individual's possession of that firearm is lawful at that time and in that place:

Hunters should be able to produce the following documents on request:
Licence-this could be one of two types

A) Possession and Acquisition licence (PAL)--only licence available to new applicants

B) Possession-Only Licence (POL)--valid for firearms owned before Dec.1, 1998 where the owner of a firearm applied before Jan1, 2001

**** If hunters do not have firearms registered and are not owners of a firearm then they cannot be in possession of a POL licence****

**** Hunters that do not have firearms registered to them will have POL licences confiscated and returned to Chief Firearms Officer.***

*****You could only get a POL if you owned firearms before Dec.1, 1998 and up till Jan1, 2001 *****

Consequences of not producing the proper documentation are:

- If a hunter cannot produce the required documents, the firearm can be seized under section117.03 CC. The owner of the firearm then has 14 days to produce the proper documentation (proper valid registration certificate), at which time the firearm shall be returned to him/her(s 117.03(2) Criminal Code of Canada.

- If after 14 days, the person does not present the documentation needed to show that his /her possession of the firearm was lawful, ie: POL., PAL or registration certificate for that firearm, the firearm may be brought before a judge for disposal and destruction. (S.117.03 (3) Criminal Code of Canada).

Alternatively: If the firearm investigation reveals that the person was unlicensed and/or the firearm unregistered the individual may then be charged with one or more of the following offences:
1) Unauthorized possession of a firearm (sec.91)
2) Possession of firearm knowing its possession unauthorized (sec.92)
3) Unauthorized possession in a motor vehicle (sec.94)

All firearms that are not registered will be seized, as it is unlawful to possess unregistered firearms. Those in possession cannot be prosecuted under the present "Amnesty Program from May 2008-May 2009", if they have a valid Possession license (POL or PAL). The firearm will be held until it is properly registered and the proper documentation can be produced to verify that it is registered. It will be their responsibility to have the firearm verified and registered.

Ultimately it is the responsibility of the gun owner/hunter to be able to show that he is in lawful possession of the firearm he is carrying.

Simple rules to follow:

1) Carry your Possession Permit with you when you are in possession of a firearm ie: POL or PAL

2) Carry a true copy of the firearm registration certificate for the gun you are carrying whether you borrowed the gun or own it

****You cannot be prosecuted for not producing it but be prepared to have the gun seized for not having it with you for up to 14 days***

****Good way to kill a good hunt is to have your gun seized simply because you did not have the registration certificate with you and
Can’t hunt anymore till you go home and either get the registration certificate or have it faxed to police to get the gun back****

3) Be sure that while hunting you have your outdoors card with you at all times.

These are three simple rules, which will make for a more enjoyable hunt for you and for those that have to enforce these laws in order to make you and other hunters safe this gun hunting season.