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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

OPP CAUTION MOTORISTS REGARDING DETERIORATING HIGHWAY CONDITIONS EAST AND NORTH OF SAULT STE. MARIE (Sault Ste. Marie, ON) - Sault Ste. Marie OPP are urging motorists at this time that if you don’t have to travel on local Highways to stay home.

(Sault Ste. Marie, ON) - Sault Ste. Marie OPP are urging motorists at this time that if you don’t have to travel on local Highways to stay home.

OPP Officers are presently dealing with FIVE motor vehicle collisions North of Sault Ste. Marie, one involving personal injury.

No Highways are closed at this time.

Highway conditions are extremely slippery due to deteriorating weather conditions.

At this time, the Ministry of Transportation is working to keep the Highways driveable.

Further updates will be provided.

To check local highway conditions in your area please call the Ministry of Transportation Travellers’ Information number at 1-800-268-4686.


(Ley Twp., ON) - A homeowner on Havilland Shores Driver reported to OPP that sometime between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm on the 17th November, 2008 suspect(s) unknown entered an unlocked porch door and stole approximately $4,500 worth of property.

Stolen items included a laptop with case, camera with case, jewellery box with selected items of jewellery, various forms of personal identification and a small amount of US funds.

(Kars Twp., ON) – A cottage in the 1500 block of Goulais Mission Road was entered during the past 6 days.

Foods items were reported missing.

Anyone with any information on these crimes is asked to contact the Sault Ste. Marie Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police at 1-888-310-1122 or Crime Stoppers at
1-800-222-TIPS or by e-tip at


(Havilland Twp., ON) - A routine traffic stop on Havilland Shores Drive this morning at approximately 12:58 a.m. resulted in the arrest of one male driver.

Stephen GLAZEBROOK, 51 years of 31 Havilland Shores Drive was arrested and charged with two counts of Driving While Prohibited and one count of Breach of Probation under the Criminal Code of Canada and one count of Drive While Suspended under the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario.

GLAZEBROOK is to appear in Bail Court this morning.

Two Manitoulin Youth Arrested For Drugs at M.S.S.

On Thursday 13 Nov 08 at 8:44 am Manitoulin OPP received a call from the administrative staff at Manitoulin Secondary School advising that two students had been caught with alleged drugs in their possession while in the school. Police immediately attended the school and arrested two students a 15 year old and a 16 year old. As a result of an investigation the 16 year old was charged with possession of a controlled substance under section 4(1) of the Controlled Drug and Substance Act. The youth was released on a promise to appear for Gore Bay Youth Court. The 15 year old youth has been charged with one count of Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking in a controlled substance under Section 5(2) of the Controlled Drug and Substance Act. The youth was transported to Gore Bay Detachment where he was later released on an undertaking with conditions and also to appear in Gore Bay Youth court at a later date. A quantity of suspected marijuana was seized in the incident.

OPP Assist Ambulance with Injured Hunter

On Saturday 15 Nov 08 at 2:59 pm Manitoulin OPP were called to assist the ambulance service with removing an injured hunter near Ducks Bay Road in Tehkummah Township. Investigation revealed that the hunter fell out of a tree stand while repairing the stand. The other person the hunter was with at the time of the fall contacted the ambulance and was to transport him out on an ATV to meet the ambulance however he did not show up at the location mentioned. Police were called to assist in locating the injured hunter. The hunter was located and transported to the Manitoulin Health Centre where he was treated for his non life threatening injuries.

Operation Lookout Working Well

On Sunday 16 Nov 08 at 1:53 pm the OPP communications centre received a call from a motorist from a cell phone advising of an erratic driver. The caller reports that a white GMC Serria truck was all over the road and passing on curves on Highway 6 on Lacloche Island. By the time the vehicle arrived at the bridge OPP officers already had the vehicle pulled over and dealt with the driver for his driving actions. Operation Lookout is a program where the police encourage drivers to call using their cell phones when they see or witness agressive or impaired driving. By calling *OPP or (Star-6-7-7) on their cell phone it puts the caller in direct contact with the OPP Communications Centre. The information can be taken and dispatched to an officer on the road to intercept and deal with the driver. Constable Allan Boyd Community Services officer advised the program has been operating since 2001 on Manitoulin and has lead to the removal of hundreds of drivers off the road over the years. It is an excellent program as we have good motorists watching and assisting in the safety of our highways.


(Manitoulin Island, Ont.) This year’s annual gun hunt for deer is set to get under way on Monday morning the 17th November 2008 through to Sunday 23rd November 2006. “OPP officers across Manitoulin will be out in full force during this years annual deer hunt” explains Constable Allan Boyd Community Services Officer with the Manitoulin OPP.

“We anticipate approximately 5000 to 6000 hunters attending Manitoulin Island during the deer hunt and of course with this amount of people the potential for problems do exist. We will be conducting periodic RIDE spot checks at different locations during the week. We will be checking for liquor infractions and of course Drinking and Driving. We work closely with the MNR who will have many Conservation Officers on the island this week. Complaints of trespassing and firearm offences are always a concern.” Boyd added. “All in all we certainly hope people use common sense when it comes to hunting by following the safety rules and not mixing alcohol with loaded firearms. We want to insure the public the OPP will be out making sure people have a safe and enjoyable hunting week.”