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Wednesday, June 25, 2003

PARK WRONG AT HARMONY BEACH AND YOU WILL BE TOWED Harmony Beach, Ont., The recent heat wave that we have been enjoying in this area has not been a source of enjoyment for the permanent residents of the Harmony Beach area.
Harmony Beach, Ont.,

The recent heat wave that we have been enjoying in this area has not been a source of enjoyment for the permanent residents of the Harmony Beach area.

Many people from the city, and the surrounding area, have been flocking to the popular beach north of Sault Ste Marie in record numbers to seek a little relief from this heat wave. The Sault Ste Marie Detachment of the OPP have been receiving complaints daily about traffic and parking problems in this area.

Every year the residents of the beach area, along with the Sault Ste Marie OPP, plead with the motoring public to have some consideration for the people, their children and pets that live in the area.

Every day since last Friday people have been parking in areas at the beach that are clearly signed as no parking. In the past week two family pets have been hit and killed on the beach road. These two incidents were directly related to vehicles that were illegally parked on the roadway.

In a coordinated effort with the many people that live in the area year round, officers from Sault Ste Marie OPP will not be extending any consideration to the drivers and owners of any vehicle that are found illegally parked in the beach area.

Officers have been told to ticket and/or tow any vehicle in the Harmony Beach area that is found violating any of the no parking signs that area placed along the roadside. Beach goers should also park their vehicles well off the roadway.

The people of Harmony Beach fear that someone may be seriously injured or killed because of vehicles that are illegally parked in that area. On many occasions in the past week the roadway has been so congested with parked vehicles that the safe passage of emergency vehicles such as fire trucks and ambulances may have been comprised had they been needed in the area.

The simple and logical act of obeying the signs that are posted in the area will save you the cost and aggravation of parking tickets and towing charges.

Together we can all work together to enjoy the natural wonder and relaxation that Harmony Beach has to offer and at the same time respect the safety and requests of the people that visit and live all year round in the Harmony Beach area.

Enjoy but please read and obey the signs