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Wednesday, January 23, 2002

WHAT IF?? There is a common practice across Canada for motorists to flash their headlights at oncoming vehicles in order to warn others of a plice cruiser laying ahead running radar looking for violators of the speed limit.

There is a common practice across Canada for motorists to flash their headlights at oncoming vehicles in order to warn others of a plice cruiser laying ahead running radar looking for violators of the speed limit.

For those who are not aware of it, police look, and find, a lot more than just speeding tickets when the car is pulled over.

WHAT IF, in that car, the driver has been drinking. After the initial adrenaline rush of passing the police car wears off, he picks up speed again. Twenty km later he falls asleep at the wheel, drifts into the oncoming traffic and kills one of your family or friends.

WHAT IF, in that car, the driver is a drug courier. He slows down and passes the polie car. He successfully makes it into your town undetected by the police and is able to deliver this shipment of drugs to your children.

WHAT IF, in that car, the driver broke into a home somewhere else in Ontario or Canada. They seriously wounded or killed an occupant of the home and stole that car.