Goulais River, Ont.,
Sault Ste Marie OPP were called to a cross-country ski resort in Goulais River after receiving complaints of trespassing
Information and tracks in the area clearly indicate that some operators of snow machines are traveling on groomed cross-country ski trails. This area is clearly signed as no trespassing and is used strictly by cross-country skiers in the pursuit of their sport. OPP have also received calls from residents in the same area as the resort of snow machines trespassing on their property.
So now guess where you may just find the OPP and S.T.O.P. officers patrolling on their snow machines. Yes, extra snow machine patrols will be made in the area surrounding the resort and the side roads in that area. If you are one of the very few snow machine operators who decide that all those NO TRESSPASSING signs in that area are meant for everyone else but you—get out your wallet because we have one or two extra tickets we have been keeping just for “special” people like you.
21st Annual Police Community Programs Night
Last evening the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service and the Holiday Inn hosted the 21st Annual Police Community Programs Night. 115 people were in attendance at the evening’s event. Here is an overview of those individuals who were highlighted and recognized for their effort in working with the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service to help make our community a better place.
Presentations for School Safety Awards.
The Kinsmen Club and Elmer the Safety Elephant sponsor the award. The Kinsmen and the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service recognize the importance of teaching of road safety to elementary school children. The Kinsmen have been a proud sponsor of the Elmer the Safety Elephant Program for many years. This year the following schools were recognized for long term safety and they are as follows:
• Five Year Award
o River View Public School
o Tarentorus Public School
• Ten Year Award
o Anna McCrea Public School
• Fifteen Year Award
o Greenwood Public School
o Manitou Park School
• Twenty Five Year Award
o Sister Mary Clare Catholic School
Sault Ste Marie Police Service Plaques were presented to the following persons:
• Constable Lisa Burt-Jones of the Canadian National Railway. (Unable to attend)
o Constable Burt-Jones was recognized for all of her efforts and teamwork with the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service. Constable Burt-Jones assisted in obtaining the instructors course for Operation Life Safer Program, which has been taught to the officers from the Community Services Section of the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service. These officers can now teach railway safety to elementary school children and community groups. She regularly attends with these officers in the school programs locally even though she is stationed just outside Sudbury. Constable Burt-Jones also attends in the Sault Ste. Marie area every summer and with officers from the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service enforces the trespassing laws on the railway bridge at the Locks.
• Karl Sepkowski
o Karl has been a long time news reporter with various agencies in our City. Karl has always maintained a level of professionalism when dealing with the police and has been diligent in keeping the citizens of Sault Ste. Marie and area informed. Karl has recently retired from news reporting.
Sault Ste. Marie Police Services Board Commendations:
• Ron and Carol Simms (Both were unable to attend)-On December 20th, 2005 the owners of the Trading Post provided a snow machine trailer to the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service, which allowed officers to bring a victim from a snow machine collision, who was injured, to medical aid. The victim was a fair distance up a trail and not easily reached.
• Larry McDonald-On December 20th, 2005 Mr. McDonald provided officers from the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service a snow machine which allowed officers to bring a victim from a snow machine collision who had injuries to medical aid. The victim was a fair distance up a trail and could not be easily reached.
• Ryan Dube, Marc Dube, Mark Hoffman, Robert Lucier as well as Christopher and Lola Armstrong (The Armstrongs were unable to attend) -On January 5th 2006 these males lifted a vehicle off of a female. The vehicle had been involved in a motor vehicle collision on Huron Street near the bridge and rolled. The female passenger was trapped underneath the vehicle. Lola Armstrong comforted and looked after the infant from the vehicle until medical help arrived.
• Tim Lynham-On July 27th, 2006 Mr. Lynham observed male break into his neighbour’s home in the City’ east end. Mr. Lynham called police and stayed on the line with the communications operators until police arrived. He also provided a detailed description of the male suspect. Police arrested an adult male as he was leaving the residence.
• Richard Atkins- (Unable to attend) On the 12th of July around 11 pm Mr. Atkins observed a male break into a vehicle in the City’s east end. Mr. Atkins confronted the suspect and called police on his cell phone and followed the male until police arrived.
• Scott Bickell-On the 1st of January 2006 Mr. Bickell observed a male break into his garage and also try and enter his residence. Mr. Bickell confronted the male suspect and was assaulted but held onto the accused until police arrived.
• Brent McMillan, Ron Duguay and David Mazzuca- (Brent McMillan was unable to attend) On the 16th of February a male entered the Savoy’s jewellery store in the Station Mall and threatened the staff members with a hammer. The suspect fled the store with 4 Bulova watches. These three gentlemen were in the Mall and apprehended the suspect as he was attempting to leave the Mall. The accused fought and threatening the three gentlemen. He was turned over to Police and taken into custody.
The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service would once again like to thank all those in the community who have helped and assisted the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service in making our community a safer one.