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Wednesday, December 7, 2005

OPP Investigate Break & Enter On Wednesday 30 Nov 05 at 6:43 am Manitoulin OPP were called to a break & enter in progress at Manitoulin Secondary School in Billings Township.
OPP Investigate Break & Enter

On Wednesday 30 Nov 05 at 6:43 am Manitoulin OPP were called to a break & enter in progress at Manitoulin Secondary School in Billings Township. The staff of the cafeteria arrived early that morning to open up and confronted a male who was dressed in a black hoodie with the hood up and wearing a white ski mask with eyeholes cut out. He fled the scene passing one of the custodians on the way out. Police attended the scene and attempts were made to locate the subject with negative results. Upon investigation of the school it was found that the subject entered the school by smashing a ground floor window. Scene of crime officer attended the school and was able to obtain evidence including the surveillance videotape. Police are continuing their investigation into this and are requesting that if anyone knows any information about this incident to contact OPP or Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

Snow Fall Keeps Police Busy

On Thursday 01 Dec 05 at 3:00 pm kept Manitoulin Police Services busy responding to motor vehicle collisions. At this time Manitoulin received a very light snow fall and the temperature combined with the snow made the roads extremely slippery. Within the time frame of 30 minutes police received three calls as vehicles had been reported in a collision.

3 Collisions in 30 Minutes

The first occurred on Hwy 540 Billings Township near the M’Chigeeng First Nation. A black Cavalier had lost control and slid into the ditch causing the vehicle to rollover. A male and female in the vehicle were shaken up but luckily no injuries.

Second call came in minutes latter On Hwy 540 at the curve of Bidwell Road near the cup and saucer trail. A Grey Van lost control on the curve and rolled over into the ditch.

The driver of the van was taken to Little Current Manitoulin Health Centre for injuries. T

he third call came in a little while later on Hwy #6 on the Whitefish River First Nation a White Van lost control on the highway and entered the ditch causing the van to rollover. Again the driver was shaken but uninjured.

Constable Allan Boyd Community Services Officer of the Manitoulin OPP advises that the road conditions do play a factor in these collisions.” However it is the driving public that need to adjust their driving habits to the conditions. Speed is always the contributing factor in these collisions and drivers must slow down. The police are always busy in the first few snow falls as it does take a while for people to adjust. Usually by Christmas snow has been on the ground for a while and people to tend to slow down by then” Boyd added.

Series Of Break Ins at West End Of Manitoulin

On Monday 04 Dec 05 at 10:12 am Manitoulin OPP responded to a report of break and enters into residences on Water Street in Dawson Township (Meldrum Bay). Upon police arrival it was found that three homes had been entered and property had been removed. Forced entry was gained into the homes. Scene of crime officer will be attending to gain evidence from the scene. If anyone has any information about these crimes they are asked to call OPP or Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).


Manitoulin OPP are well under way with their Festive R.I.D.E. campaign. Officers have been out on each shift conducting spot checks at various locations across Manitoulin. Since we started on the 25 November until yesterday the 04 December officers stopped a total of 312 vehicles with no charges of impaired operation. The checks will continue until after the New Year