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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

BREAK AND ENTER TO LOCAL BUSINESS (Bruce Mines, Ontario) On Tuesday April 17, 2007 the East Algoma – Thessalon OPP was contacted regarding a break and enter on Robinson Drive in Bruce Mines, Ontario.

(Bruce Mines, Ontario) On Tuesday April 17, 2007 the East Algoma – Thessalon OPP was contacted regarding a break and enter on Robinson Drive in Bruce Mines, Ontario.

Suspects entered the building, removing cash and cigarettes.

Many citizens that live in small towns know who lives there and the vehicles they drive. The Ontario Provincial Police want to remind citizens that they can call the OPP Communication Center at 1-888-310-1122 to report any suspicious activity day or night.

If you have any information regarding this break and enter contact the Ontario Provincial Police at 1-888-310-1122 or anonymously to Crime Stoppers at 1-705-942-7867.


Sault Ste Marie, Ont.,

Since Commissioner Julian Fantino took over as the head of the Ontario Provincial Police, he has made it very clear to the men and woman of the OPP about our renewed commitment to highway safety.

One of our Commissioners objectives is to the increase the presence and enforcement level on all Ontario highways across the province. It is anticipated that the increased police presence, enforcement activity and public education will result in a reduction in deaths and injuries across the province.

One cause of unnecessary injuries and deaths on Ontario highways is not wearing seat belts. So far this year twenty one (21) people have been killed on Ontario highways because they just didn’t wear their seat belts. One of those deaths was right here in this area, on Hwy 17 in Heyden, when a local woman died after being struck by a truck.

The officers of the Sault Ste Marie OPP detachment have heeded the Commissioners message. For all of 2006 officers with the Sault Ste Marie Detachment issued a total of thirty (30) seat belt tickets. Just for the first 3-½ months of 2007 we have issued fifty four (54) seat belt tickets.

For those of you who travel on Great Northern Road, the OPP and the MTO have erected two large electronic signs in front of the OPP detachment with seat belt reminders on the signs. The signs will stay in place until the end of our spring seat belt campaign.

Officers with the Sault Ste Marie Detachment have also conducted thirty seven (37) seat belt spot checks at different locations throughout our detachment area. One part of our 2007 business plan is to have officers conduct at least one seatbelt spot check per shift for the entire year.

If you’re not in the habit of buckling up every time you drive any distance, you may want to re-examine your driving habits.