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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

STOLEN VEHCILE AND POLICE CRUISER DAMAGED IN FAILING TO STOP FOR POLICE (Little Current, On.) - On Monday evening the 21 September 09 at 6:50 pm a 2005 GMC pick up truck pulled into the K & T Corner Store on Vankoughnet Street in Little Current.

(Little Current, On.) - On Monday evening the 21 September 09 at 6:50 pm a 2005 GMC pick up truck pulled into the K & T Corner Store on Vankoughnet Street in Little Current. The driver entered the store leaving his keys in the vehicle. While in the store the vehicle was observed pulling out of the parking lot. Manitoulin OPP were immediately called and advised of the vehicle theft. Manitoulin OPP advised other police services about the stolen vehicle.

A short time later an officer from the UCCM Tribal Police observed the vehicle northbound on Highway 6 at Birch Island. When the officer went to stop the vehicle it continued on at a high rate of speed failing to stop for police. Officers from the Espanola Town Police Service and the Espanola OPP Detachment responded and deployed a spike belt just south of Espanola on Highway 6. The stolen vehicle ran over it deflating tires and as a result the stolen vehicle along with a police cruiser was damaged in this incident. Two 15 year old young persons were arrested at the scene and have been charged with numerous offices. There names cannot be released under provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

The first female young person has been charged with
• Theft over $5000 – Motor Vehicle
• Dangerous Driving
• Failing to Stop for Police
• Assault a Peace Officer
• Breach of Probation

The second female young person has been charged with
• Theft over $5000 – Motor Vehicle
• Breach of Probation – two counts

Both young persons have been remanded into custody and will be appearing in Wikwemikong Youth Bail Court on Wednesday 23 September 2009.

The investigation is still ongoing by the Manitoulin OPP there were no injuries and both vehicles received extensive damage in this incident.