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Tuesday, June 24, 2003

OVERDUE MAN LOCATED IN THE BUSH EARLY THIS MORNING Batchawana, Ont., An overdue Sault Ste. Marie photographer, 45-year-old Henry Tulonen, was located in the bush early this morning after he did not return home as scheduled. The O.P.P.
Batchawana, Ont.,

An overdue Sault Ste. Marie photographer, 45-year-old Henry Tulonen, was located in the bush early this morning after he did not return home as scheduled.

The O.P.P. Emergency Response Team, Sault Search and Rescue as well as equipment from the Rankin First Nation Police worked together to find the overdue man.

At about 7:00 p.m. last night Sault Ste. Marie O.P.P. was notified that the 45-year-old man did not return from his scheduled trip north of Sault Ste. Marie. Tolonen was smart when he told his wife where he was going and when to expect him back. When he didn't show up at the predetermined time the O.P.P. was notified.

Officers located his vehicle, just where he said he was going, at the roadside park at Chippewa Falls on Hwy 17 in Batchawana. Interviews with people in the area indicated that the truck had been parked there for many hours and no one was around the vehicle.

Further investigation indicated that Tulonen was on a hiking trip to photograph the waterfalls and the river in the Chippewa and Montreal River area. He left instructions with his next of kin where he was going and when he was expected to return. This enabled police to narrow down the search area.

The O.P.P. Emergency Response Team, Sault Search and Rescue and all terrain vehicles from the Rankin First Nation Police were dispatched to the scene.

At about 3:00 a.m. today, Tulonen was located in questionable condition. He had to be assisted out of the bush by search and rescue personnel. He was transported to Sault and Area Hospital by ambulance for observation and treatment for exposure-related injuries.


(Johnson Township - East of Desbarats, Ontario)
At approximately 2:00 a.m. today, the East Algoma - Thessalon O.P.P. was conducting checks along Highway 17. A motor vehicle was clocked on the radar in Plummer Additional Township travelling at 127 km/h in a posted 90 km/h zone.

The vehicle was stopped just east of Bruce Mines and, as the officer exited his cruiser to speak with the driver, the driver decided to flee westbound along Highway 17.

The car was followed continuing at speeds well in excess of the posted speed limit. The officer discontinued following the vehicle in hopes that the driver would slow down. The vehicle was located a short time later in the ditch at the Junction of Highway 17 and Fisher Road in Johnson Township.

Arriving at the location seconds after the crash, the officer located the driver exiting the vehicle. The officer then attended to the passenger who was trapped in the burning car.

The passenger door was pried open and the officer assisted the passenger out of the vehicle. The officer retrieved the fire extinguisher from the cruiser and extinguished the fire from the front of the vehicle.

The driver was then placed under arrest for Failing to Stop for Police. While he was being handcuffed, he stated that the car was stolen. The male driver (15) from Elliot Lake was transported to the East Algoma ? Thessalon Detachment. The passenger was transported to the Thessalon Hospital, treated for a fractured sternum, and released.

The driver (who can't be named under the Youth Criminal Justice Act) is being held for Bail Court on June 24th in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. He has been charged with:

1. Failure to Stop Vehicle Being Pursued by Police Causing Bodily , Section 249.1(4)(a) C.C.

2. Possession Property Obtained by Crime, Section 354(1) (X2) C.C. (Theft of the motor vehicle and a cell phone and wallet located in the motor vehicle)

3. Theft Under $5000, Section 334(b) C.C.

4. Speeding, Section 128 Highway Traffic Act

5. Drive Motor Vehicle ? no licence, Section 32(1) Highway Traffic Act

(Desbarats, Ontario)
Yesterday at approximately 8:00 a.m., the East Algoma - Thessalon O.P.P. was contacted regarding a break and enter to the Venture 2000 Restaurant located on Highway 17, Desbarats, Ontario.

The break and enter occurred between 10:00 p.m. on Sunday and Monday morning. Suspects entered the restaurant and adjoining variety store and stole liquor and cigarettes. The approximate value of the theft is $800.00

If you have any information regarding this break, enter and theft, contact the East Algoma OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or Crime Stoppers at 1-705-942-7867.

(St. Joseph Island, Ontario)
In the early morning hours of last Sunday, officers of the East Algoma - Thessalon O.P.P. were conducting patrols on St. Joseph Island. During patrols they came across some youths at the Richards Landing - Women's Institute Park drinking. One male youth, age 16, from Richards Landing has been charged with "Person Under 19 years Consuming Liquor." Approximately 38 bottles of beer were seized.

(St. Joseph Island, Ontario)
At approximately 1:55 a.m. on Sunday, the East Algoma - Thessalon O.P.P. came across a motor vehicle on Highway 548 on St. Joseph Island. The driver was stopped and attempting to back up. Upon speaking with the driver an odour of an alcoholic beverage was detected. The driver was read the roadside Breath Demand.

The driver, identified as Raymond Gushue (40) of Jocelyn Township, St. Joseph Island, failed to provide a sample of his breath and was subsequently arrested and charged. He will appear in Thessalon Court on July 10.

(St. Joseph Island, Ontario)
The nights are not obviously hot enough on St. Joseph Island for some people. While officers from the East Algoma - Thessalon O.P.P. were busy with another occurrence on St. Joseph Island, they had to drive on Highway 548 in front of the Royal Canadian Legion when they came across a fire at approximately 3:30 a.m.

The fire had been started in the middle of Highway 548 in front of the Royal Canadian Legion. When the officer exited his vehicle to extinguish the fire, adult patrons vacated the Legion and started to yell obscenities at the officer and back up had to be called in.

This occurrence did not involve children. It involved adults who acted worse than you would ever expect your children to act. These adults seem to have no regard for the safety of others or the law. If you have any information regarding this act of aggressive behaviour, please contact the East Algoma OPP at 1-888-310-1122