(East Algoma, OPP) During the month of July 2007, the East Algoma OPP arrested and charged 16 drivers with Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle. Members of the public assisted by calling possible impaired for 6 of the incidents.
“Officers of the East Algoma OPP are diligent in following up with traffic complaints. The citizens are a second set of eyes,” comments Detachment Commander Inspector Ronald Faulkner. “When a complaint is received regarding a possible impaired driver or erratic driving, all officers take the complaint seriously. Our citizens assist police in making our roads safer.”
It is imperative that we work together to reduce the carnage happening on our roadways.
Report Impaired Drivers
CALL 9-1-1
*OPP – cellular phones
(East Algoma OPP) – Once again, the time has come for motorists to be on the look out for our youth as our children head back to school. The Ontario Provincial police want to remind everyone that school buses and crossing guards will be back in action on Tuesday September 4, 2007.
Section 175(11) of the Highway Traffic Act states, “Every driver or street car operator, when meeting on a highway, other than a highway with a median strip, a stopped school bus that has its overhead red signal-lights flashing, shall stop before reaching the bus and shall not proceed until the bus moves or the overhead red signal-lights have stopped flashing.” R.S.O. 1990.
The fine for failing to stop for a school bus with lights flashing is $400.00 accompanied by a victim fine surcharge of $90.00 for a grand ticket total of $490.00
Section 176(2) of the Highway Traffic Acts states, “A school crossing guard about to direct children across a highway with a speed limit not in excess of 60 kilometres per hour shall, prior to entering the roadway, display a school crossing stop sign in an upright position so that it is visible to vehicular traffic approaching from each direction.” R.S.O. 1990
When the School Crossing Guard displays the stop sign, the driver of any vehicle (including bicycles) approaching the crossing shall stop before the crossing.
A person who contravenes and is found guilty is liable to a fine of not more than $500.00 on a first offence. Each subsequent conviction, subject to a fine of not more than $1,000.00 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than 6 months or to both.
Many of our children walk to school and motorists should beware of the increased pedestrian traffic around our local schools, as children make their way for their first exciting day. Reduced speeds in some school zones will again be in affect, so beware, we’ll be watching.
OPP officers will be out ensuring that motorists are reminded of the rules of the road in regards to school buses and crossing guards.
Let’s make it safe so our children come home at the end of the school day!