(Laird Twp., ON) – OPP are investigating damage on the Laird Fairgrounds. Sometime between Monday evening and Wednesday morning, the gate was removed and the property entered.
Thirteen windows located on a bus on the property were smashed.
(Laird Twp., ON) - Yesterday evening at approximately 10:00 pm OPP investigated a collision between a vehicle and a bear on Highway 17.
No injuries were reported.
Motorists are warned to be extra careful while driving on local area highways, especially at night.
Every year a number of people die as a result of collisions with animals. Damage to a vehicle and its occupants can be serious. Animals that stand high on their legs (moose, deer, etc.) can roll onto the hood and into the windshield of a vehicle after they have been hit.
There are a number of areas locally where motorists are apt to encounter animals on the roads.
In 2011, 41% of all collisions in Sault Ste. Marie OPP detachment area roadways involved wildlife.
Motorists should take the following precautions to help avoid collisions with animals:
- Use eye lead time and be aware when you are in an area that has wildlife, especially if signs indicating animal crossing are posted;
- Do not overdrive your headlights; this will allow you to see an animal and stop in time to avoid hitting it;
- When animals are observed ahead, slow down until safely past them;
- Search for a second animal, close behind, after the first animal has been passed safely;
Be alert for animals, especially in wildlife areas and on open highways in farm or ranch country. If you spot a wildlife sign on the side of the highway, slow down and proceed with caution, especially at night. Expect a surprise, animals are unpredictable.