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Operation safe trucking is in effect this week

As part of the OPP's commitment to saving lives on Ontario roads, it has developed a CMV collision mitigation strategy that aims to reduce the number of CMV-related collisions on OPP-patrolled roads and highways
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The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Superior East Detachments will be participating in Operation Safe Trucking, a province wide OPP initiative from Dec. 11-15, 2017. The focus of the initiative will be enforcing the rules of the road and moving violations for commercial motor vehicles (CMV). 

The OPP, along with our partners, will be focusing on violations such as the following; speeding, aggressive driving, distracted driving, follow too close, driver impairment, hours of service violations, lack of occupant restraints, improper lane change, improper turns, fail to yield right of way, improper passing and disobey traffic control. These violations are attributable to many collisions involving commercial motor vehicles. 

The OPP investigates thousands of preventable commercial motor vehicle collisions every year, making this a serious road safety issue. In 2015 and 2016, the OPP responded to a total of 13,668 collisions that involved a large commercial transport truck in which 155 people lost their lives. From Jan. 1 to Dec. 8, 2017, the OPP responded to 6,252 transport truck-related collisions. A total of 87 lives were lost in 72 of those collisions

As part of the OPP's commitment to saving lives on Ontario roads, it has developed a CMV collision mitigation strategy that aims to reduce the number of CMV-related collisions on OPP-patrolled roads and highways.

The OPP continues to conduct annual CMV enforcement and education campaigns to help keep Ontario highways safe and continues to collaborate with the Ministry of Transportation, the Ontario Trucking Association and other important CMV safety partners that help keep our highways safe.

"The ultimate goal of this campaign is to educate commercial vehicle drivers, and to focus on unsafe CMV driving behaviours," says Staff Sergeant Megan Cavanagh, Detachment Commander Superior East OPP.
