(Hodgins Twp., ON) An OPP officer conducting radar patrol northbound on Highway 532 near Searchmont pulled a driver over for speeding Sunday afternoon around 3:30 p.m.
The driver, 25 year old Eric MOUSSEAU of 532 Hwy. in Searchmont was found to be a suspended driver.
MOUSSEAU was charged with Driving Under Suspension contrary to the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario.
(Fisher Twp., ON) Sunday evening at 7:50 p.m. OPP officers and the Batchewana Fire Department responded to a vehicle fire on Highway 17 in Fisher Township.
A 1995 Ford F-150 Pick Up had been traveling from Wawa to Sault Ste. Marie with an ATV in the back cab of the truck.
The driver detected an odor of smoke and when he looked out the back of his Pick-Up truck he noticed that the back of the truck was completely engulfed in flames.
The driver pulled over but had no chance to remove the ATV from the back of the truck. The Pick–Up truck, the 2004 Yamaha ATV, and personal belongings were completely destroyed in the fire.
The driver was not injured.
On Tuesday and Wednesday the 23rd & 24th of September 2008 a joint enforcement blitz was planned for Mantioulin Island. Officers from the Ontario Provincial Police, UCCM Tribal Police, Conservation Officers with the Ministry of Natural Resources, Commercial Vehicle enforcement officers with the Ministry of Transportation, Officers with the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of the Environment were involved. The purpose of this initiative is to set up check spots at different locations and check all vehicles for infractions under many different acts of legislation that each service enforces. The blitz ran over two days the first day officers were set up on Hwy 6 north at Birch Island and all vehicles were checked going through. The second day they were set up on Hwy 6 by the Recreation complex in Little Current. Over the two day period over a thousand vehicles was checked resulting in 30 charges being laid. Mostly under the Highway Traffic Act and others under the Environmental Protection Act for emissions on vehicles. These joint blitzes will be conducted periodically throughout the year.
On Thursday 25 Sep 08 at 11:23 pm officers from the Manitoulin OPP responded to report of Political signs being damaged in Little current and along Highway 540. Constable Allan Boyd Community Services Officer with the Manitoulin OPP advised “it is a criminal offense to damage or remove political signs.” Police are investigating these incidents and are asking the public to watch and report any damage being done.
On Saturday 27 Sep 08 at 3:00 am Manitoulin OPP were advised of an erratic driver heading southbound on Hwy 6 just north of Manitowaning by two EMS paramedics traveling in an ambulance following the driver. The paramedics were able to get an exact description of the vehicle and the direction of travel. The vehicle turned off into Manitowaning and the ambulance followed the vehicle. They were able to radio information to the OPP officers who intercepted the vehicle and after an investigation into the driver it was alleged that he was under the influence of Alcohol. As a result of this investigation with the assistance of the EMS Paramedics the driver was charged with Impaired Operation and Driving with over the legal limit of 80 mgs. Constable Allan Boyd Community Services Officer with the OPP stated “many personnel from the emergency services know exactly what can happen if an impaired driver is not removed from behind of the wheel of a motor vehicle. These paramedics have seen first hand many times over and over on what can happen with impaired drivers just like police officers. No one wants to deal with the tragedy that can happen as a result of drinking and driving. These EMS officers are to be commended for what they did as they just may have saved this person’s life by reporting it to police. It is always a pleasure to work with the emgergency services of Manitoulin as Police, Fire and EMS personnel work closely together and have excellent working relationship which speaks highly for the service that is provided to the public of Manitoulin.
On Wednesday 01 Oct 2008 a major mock incident is planed for Manitoulin Island at an undisclosed location. This incident will involve many emergency services including the OPP, UCCM and Wikwemikong Police Services. Volunteer Fire Departments along with the Manitoulin EMS service. Also involved will be many agencies from Manitoulin that assist people. Constable Allan Boyd Community Services Officer for the Manitoulin OPP advises “This mock incident has been in the planning stages for close to a year and involves many different agencies. This is a training exercise and has a large educational component to it. When we train in this type of capacity we try and make it as realistic as possible so people do not need to be alarmed as people will be advising the public it is only a mock incident, unfortunately exact details cannot be released until after the training is over.