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Monday, September 17, 2012

THREE VEHICLES AND A GARAGE ENTERED (Laird Twp.,ON) - Three vehicles and one garage have been entered and items stolen within the past several days on Government Road and Lake George Road in Laird Township.


(Laird Twp.,ON) -  Three vehicles and one garage have been entered and items stolen within the past several days on Government Road and Lake George Road in Laird Township.

Stolen items included gas cans, binoculars, sunglasses, small amounts of loose change, and a cordless drill.

OPP remind motorists to protect their vehicle from theft.

Always roll up your vehicle’s windows and lock the doors.

Never leave valuable objects or packages in full view.


(Sault Ste. Marie, ON) – On Sunday, September 16, 2012 an OPP officer on general patrol spotted a red Suzuki ATV travelling eastbound on Second Line against oncoming traffic.

The ATV was observed to have 2 occupants riding.

Police activated the emergency lights and turned around in an attempt to stop the ATV.

The ATV was then observed to increase speed travelling against oncoming traffic.

Oncoming traffic had to pull off to the shoulder in order to avoid a head on collision with the ATV.

Upon reaching the intersection of Second Line and Black Road, the ATV did not stop for the stop sign and passed through the intersection up the barricaded extension of Second Line.

The ATV drove through a deep mud puddle which stalled the engine and the two occupants fled on foot.

The two were apprehended a short time later.

A seventeen year old male was charged under the Highway Traffic Act with Careless Driving; Drive Motor Vehicle  - No Licence; Defective Brakes; and Drive Off Road Vehicle on a Schedule A Highway.