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Monday, March 5, 2007

ALERT CITIZEN FOILS BREAK & ENTER On Monday the 26th February 2007 at 5:25 pm an alert citizen noticed that three youths had entered the Spider Bay Marina in Little Current.

On Monday the 26th February 2007 at 5:25 pm an alert citizen noticed that three youths had entered the Spider Bay Marina in Little Current. Concerned that they should not been in there due to the fact that the Marina was closed for the winter, police were contacted. Police arrived to find three local youth had entered the Marina without permission. Investigation revealed that one of the youth was a former summer employee and had access to the building. The investigation is still continuing.


On Thursday 01 March 2007 at 8:48 pm Manitoulin OPP * Central Manitoulin Fire Dept were dispatched to attend a barn fire located on McDermid Road in Providence Bay. No one was injured in the blaze and the total loss of property has yet to be determined. Investigation revealed the cause to be from a faulty extension cord.


On Wednesday 28 February 2007 at 3:54 pm Manitoulin OPP were called to investigate an assault, which took place on, a school bus while students were traveling home from MSS. The alleged assault took place between two female students who were passengers on the school bus where injury was received in the facial area to one of the students. Police were called and are presently investigating the incident and charges are pending.


The OPP hears them all the time. And it’s no joke!
9-1-1 operators report that anywhere from 85 per cent to 90 per cent of the 9-1-1 calls received are for anything but emergencies, a drag on services and staff and a real danger to people requiring quick response by police, fire or ambulance.

For the record, 9-1-1 calls are for life and death emergencies such as: a collision with injuries, a crime in progress, any incidents where the public is in danger or an individual’s safety is at risk.

A child calling 9-1-1 because he learned about it in school, will require that the operator speak with a parent, and if the parent is not home, a visit by a police officer.

Someone may dial 9-1-1 and realize they’ve made a mistake and hang up. This too requires a visit by a police officer.

If you are returning to your cottage in the spring and discover a break and enter over the winter, reporting a traffic complaint, if you’re looking for a particular officer or have an administrative question, call 1-888-310-1122.


The Ontario Provincial Police is preparing for its fifth OPP Bound recruitment program. “OPP Bound 2007” is an one week mini-OPP recruit camp, being held at the Provincial Police Academy from July 15 – 20, 2007 in Orillia, Ontario.

The OPP are inviting applications from all women, women and men who represent diverse communities and women and men who are bilingual that are interested in exploring a career in policing.

One hundred participants will learn about the history and traditions of the OPP. The program will include a number of mentoring sessions with key OPP officers who will share their experiences. Participants will also have the opportunity to live the life of an OPP recruit at the Academy, including firearms, drill, physical training and practical exercises. They will be exposed to the advantages of the OPP and will be provided the opportunity to build relationships with OPP employees.

May 4, 2007 is the application deadline for “OPP Bound 2007”. Those looking for an exciting career opportunity can obtain information and the application on the OPP website at:

Further information can be obtained by calling the Ontario Provincial Police Recruitment Section at 1-877-OPP-HIRE (1-877-677-4473).


(East Algoma OPP) On Friday March 2, 2007 at approximately 8:30 pm, the East Algoma OPP were requested to attend the Nugget Food Store in Iron Bridge, Ontario. A male was located slumped over the steering wheel of his vehicle. Officers attempted to wake the male by banging and yelling but to no avail. A side window was eventually broken to ascertain the well being of the male.

The driver, Kevin NADJIWON (32) of Aurora, Ontario was arrested and charged with the following offences under the Criminal Code:

Impaired Driving – Motor Vehicle, section 253 (a)
Over 80 mgs – Motor Vehicle, section 253 (b)

NADJIWON was also charged under the Highway Traffic Act with “Fail to sign driver’s licence in ink” (Reg. 628). NADJIWON is schedule to appear in court on April 5, 2007.

On March 4, 2007 at approximately 11:30 pm, officers from the East Algoma – Thessalon Detachment were dispatched to Green Bay Road in Plummer Additional Township. A green Ford Windstar was parked at the intersection on Green Bay Road when another vehicle, an Eagle Talon traveling along Green Bay Road passed the Ford Windstar and stopped just north of the intersection. The driver of the Ford Windstar suddenly accelerated forward and hit the rear of the Eagle Talon two times.

The driver, Shaun David HUTCHINSON (31) of Desbarats, Ontario was arrested and charged with the following offences under the Criminal Code:

Impaired Driving – Motor Vehicle, section 253 (a)
Over 80 mgs – Motor Vehicle, section 253 (b)

HUTCHINSON is scheduled to appear in court on March 22, 2007 in Thessalon, Ontario.


Sault Ste Marie Detachment officers conducted R.I.D.E. in 8 different locations in the Sault Ste Marie Detachment area this past weekend. We are pleased to report that out of over 130 vehicles checked no driver had been drinking. No charges were laid and 2 traffic related warnings were issued.