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Increase in impaired drivers at OPP holiday RIDE checks in Sault area

OPP laid six impaired driving charges and nine warn-range suspensions in the Sault Ste. Marie area
20181115 RIDE ts 2
Tony Saxon/GuelphToday

Ontario Provincial Police are reporting an increase in the number of people charged with impaired driving in the Sault Ste. Marie area during its annual Festive RIDE campaign.

Over the 2024/25 holiday season, OPP hosted 119 RIDE events in our area, resulting in six impaired driving charges and nine warn-range suspensions.

Last holiday season, 191 RIDE events resulted in two impaired driving charges and one warn-range suspension.

Throughout OPP’s North East Region, 1,525 RIDE checks were conducted with the following results:

  • 139 impaired driving charges.
  • 26 warn-range suspensions.
OPP North East Region 2024/25 Festive RIDE campaign results. Image supplied by OPP

During the 2023/24 season, officers laid 162 impaired charges and 26 warn-range suspensions following 1,699 RIDE check events.

The Festive RIDE campaign ran between November 21, 2024, and January 1, 2025.