Caution Urged on Area Lakes and Rivers
With the freeze and thaw conditions prevalent at this time of year, Sault Ste Marie OPP are cautioning all persons venturing out on area lakes to be extremely cautious. Ice conditions can vary day to day and within different areas of the lake or river. Be prepared to go through the ice and have a set of ice pick on your person. Ice picks will assist you to get out of the water on very slipper wet ice. This $20.00 investment could save your life. If you do not know the local ice conditions extreme caution is recommended.
(White River) – A traffic stop on March 19, 2009 at 1:45 am Highway 17, Vasiloff Township resulted in a female driver from Thunder Bay being charged with “Holder of G1 Driver’s Licence – Drive at Unlawful Hour”. Drivers are reminded to ensure they are familiar with restrictions pertaining to certain classes of Ontario Driver’s Licences while travelling our highways.
(Hornepayne) – On March 19,2009 Officers patrolling Highway 631 in Larkin Township had occasion to check a vehicle for speeding. As a result it was revealed that the driver had no proof of valid Insurance. As a result a female driver from New Liskeard has been charged with “Fail to Have Insurance Card” contrary to “The Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act of Ontario”. Anyone operating a motor vehicle is obligated to produce a valid insurance card when requested by a Police Officer. Failure to do so may result in a $50.00 fine.
RIDE checks were conducted at various locations resulting in 45 vehicles being checked with no infractions noted.
Break-In to Business
(Blind River, ON.) – Sometime overnight from Wednesday to Thursday morning the Esso Gas bar on Causley St was broken into.
Employees discovered that money was missing from the business at the start of their business day on Thursday just before 6:00 a.m. Further investigation confirmed that they had been victims of a Break in.
Thieves made off with an undisclosed amount of cash.
Police, with the assistance of the Forensic Identification Services have gathered some evidence that they hope will help identify the culprit(s).
Police are asking anyone with information or anyone who may have seen something or someone in the neighbourhood that appeared unusual to call them at 1-888-310-1122 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).
House Break-In Probed
(Serpent River First Nation, ON.) – A relative of a home owner on the Serpent River First nation reported a possible break in to a house that she was looking after.
On Thursday afternoon the possible break in was reported to a house on Village Rd in Cutler. A broken window was noticed in the house BUT it is unknown what if anything may have been taken. The home owner was away and had not returned at the time the Police were in attendance.
Police are asking anyone with information to call them at 1-888-310-1122 or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).