(Elliot Lake, Ont.) June 26, 2008 at approximately 8:56 p.m. while on general patrol an officer of the East Algoma OPP noted vehicles driving at a high rate of speed on Milliken Mine Road in the city of Elliot Lake.
The oncoming vehicle forced the police cruiser off onto the soft shoulder of the roadway to avoid a collision.
Police stopped the vehicles and the drivers were charged with Street Racing under the Highway Traffic Act. All drivers’ licenses were seized by police and suspended for 7 days. Police also seized all vehicles involved for 7 days.
Age of the drivers ranged from 17 years old to 20 years old.
The charged parties are scheduled to appear in Elliot Lake court of September 17th, 2008.
Holiday Traffic Enforcement Priority for OPP
Every year the Canada Day Long weekend results in numerous preventable motor vehicle and marine crashes. Many of these crashes have tragic consequences for those involved. The OPP in Sault Ste Marie and the throughout the Province will be out in force this long weekend to curb the aggressive driving actions which are the primary causes of these cashes. Strict enforcement of aggressive driving , seatbelt usage and drinking offences will be the focus of the OPP Efforts this weekend.
On Thursday evening Sault Ste Marie Detachment and Traffic and Marine officers conducted a RIDE check on Trout lake Road. From the 67 Vehicles checked two 12 hours suspensions issued, one highway traffic act charge laid and a suspended driver discovered. Not a good start to the weekend.
Break and Enters into Recreational Properties Continue
Sault Ste Marie Detachment officers have investigated 46 Break and Enters the vast majority of which are entries into Recreational Properties. These thieves will take anything of value. On Friday two more break and enters were reported. One into a property on Hwy#552 W where a gumball machine and a DVD player was take and a property on Hwy# 556 was entered and numerous household items were taken. Your police need your help to prevent and solve these crimes. If you see some one or a vehicle that appears suspicious call the police right away. If you hear information about who might be responsible for a crime you can call the OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. Your information can make a difference. If you hear about a item for sale at a deal too good to be true, it is probable stolen property. In a recent investigation a 2005 ATV on a trailer was sold for $500.00 . Clearly anyone making such a purchase must know it is stolen property that is being purchased. Any small piece of information may be the clue needed to solve a crime so please call.