On Dec. 4, at approximately 7:40 p.m., members of the Wikwemikong Tribal Police Service responded to a motor vehicle collision involving a pedestrian on Wikwemikong Way, on the Wikwemikong First Nation Territory.
A pedestrian, Joseph Thomas Neshkewe, 67, from Wikwemikong First Nation, was taken to hospital, where he later died. A post-mortem examination was conducted Thursday at the Office of the Chief Coroner-Ontario Forensic Pathology Service, Northeastern Regional Forensic Pathology Unit in Sudbury.
The Wikwemikong Tribal Police Service with the assistance of the Ontario Provincial Police's Manitoulin Crime Unit is investigating the collision, under the direction of Det.-Insp. Chris Landry of the OPP Criminal Investigation Branch.
As a result, 63-year-old Raynald Perron, from Espanola, has been charged with failure to stop at the scene of an accident involving death, and causing death by criminal negligence.