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Women's self-defense workshop smashing success

Next workshop coming soon
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Today, Sunday, May 5, 2020, the Royal Canadian Legion, and the Legion Hap Ki Do Club presented the first in a series of free workshops designed to help the citizens of Sault Ste Marie feel just a tad safer, and 25 ladies walked away from the workshop feeling more confident in the knowledge that, with a little practice, they can defend themselves.

It just does not get any better than that. Thanks to our team of Instructors: Ronda Bourdage, Steve Jensen, Po Nyuk Fam, Michael Paciocco, Kevin Lamour, Annette Lamour, Juliette Lamour, and Sophie Lamour, the Legion Hap Ki Do Club and the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 25 were able to do something positive for our community. You know you had a hit when 100 per cent of the attendees want more training, and the next free session will happen as soon as I can make arrangements with Branch 25 of the Legion.

For information on the next session, please contact Grandmaster Rudy W. Timmerman at [email protected]

The Legion Hap Ki Do Club is 100 per cent non-profit, and our mandate is to serve the citizens of Sault Ste Marie.

