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Something extra shiny for May's 50/50 draw

April's 50/50 draw was worth $208,432.50
Payandehs with Dream Car
Supplied photo of the Payandehs with the special grand prize

May’s SAHF 50/50 draw is now live and is bigger than ever. April’s draw has just concluded and the winner has been contacted. The winning number is R-4989737 for a prize of $208,432.50. Full details on the winner will follow this release next week.

May’s draw includes two early bird draws (May 5 and May 12), the grand prize draw for 50 per cent of sales and a bonus draw.

The bonus grand prize draw, to be conducted at the same time as the grand prize draw, is a brand new 2020 Toyota Supra in bright red! The vehicle can be seen on the website at and as exciting as it is as a prize, it comes to the draw from a very generous act.

“We received this prize as a gift for our draws from Drs. Bijan and Simin Payandeh, two very generous individuals in our community,” says Teresa Martone. “They saw how incredible out 50/50 draws have been doing in supporting our community healthcare and wanted to know what they could do. Bijan had an idea of supporting the draw and saying thank you to all those that have been giving each month by having this bonus prize. Their generosity will undoubtedly help us raise more funds for our hospital and support the purchase of essential equipment at Sault Area Hospital.”

Thanks to this gracious donation from Drs. Bijan and Simin Payandeh, there will be two grand prize winners for SAHF’s May 50/50 Draw. Purchasers will still have the chance to win the big cash jackpot, as well as two early-bird draws of $2,000 cash, but now will also be entered to win an additional draw for a brand new 2020 Toyota Supra, donated by the Payandehs.

The Payandehs have been avid supporters of health and education in our community. They arrived in Sault Ste. Marie from Iran 52 years ago, with a few dollars in their pockets, but big hearts and brilliant minds.

“My dad always told us,” joked Simin, “marry a man with a brain in his head rather than money in his pockets.”

Both Simin and Bijan excelled academically and were recognized by the late Shah of Iran for their scholastic achievements. That is how Bijan was able to earn a Ph.D. Degree in Forest Biometry from Oregon State University and was hired by the Canadian Forestry Service as a Research Scientist and Biometrician. Simin taught herself English and passed a lengthy and complex Ontario Dental Board exam, and thus became a full-fledged Dental Surgeon and the first female dentist in town.

“We came here without much and did not want to ask our families for help – we decided to do it on our own,” they explained. They worked hard, saved and invested what they could. Simin worked extra evenings and weekends, taking ‘on-call’ appointments for other dentists. They lived modestly, raising their three children according to their Zoroastrian principals: Good Thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds.

“We were blessed with three healthy and bright children, and raised them to the best of our ability. We taught them to work hard, become the best you can be, be responsible for your actions, and most of all, use your God-given intelligence to help your community.”

Having made an outstanding donation of $230,000 to scholarship and bursary programs at Sault College, Bijan and Simin also know that it’s also important to support local healthcare. Last year, they made gifts of $110,00 to the Group Health Centre, and $10,000 to the Soup Kitchen.

The Payandehs also donated $110,000 for a portable x-ray unit at Sault Area Hospital – a tool that brings imaging technology to patients throughout the hospital who cannot come to Diagnostic Imaging themselves. 

This could be an ICU patient on a ventilator, a trauma patient in our Emergency Department, or a patient who must be kept in isolation (as is the case for someone who is suspected to have COVID-19).

“Giving feels really good. By donating, you can truly see the fruits of your labour,” shared Bijan. “Helping others, giving when you can, spreads joy and happiness. We can help, so we do.”

SAHF 50/50 tickets can be purchased by anyone 18+ years old within the province of Ontario online. Grand prizes have eclipsed $200,000 in eight straight months. For full details visit the website.

On behalf of the entire community, thank you to all who continue to support. When our hospital purchases equipment like this, we all win.

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