On Nov. 1, 2020, Sault Ste. Marie Fire Services started their support of the Movember campaign. Fire trucks and support vehicles gained the logo of the worldwide campaign known as 'Movember' to help support the campaign.
Movember 1 kicked-off the start of our 14th annual campaign in Canada (began in 2007 in Canada) where funds are raised, accompanied by awareness for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention. Movember is the leading charity dedicated to changing the face of men’s health. “The goal is to educate our community about men’s health.
“'Stop Men Dying Too Young' is a key slogan in the campaign,” said public education officer Aaron Gravelle. “The campaign has a very important focus and we wanted to do our part to help out.”
Some of the representatives from Sault Fire will also be replacing their clean-shaven look with a covered upper lip in support of the campaign. Along with growing moustaches, Sault Fire Services wants to promote awareness and help support the Movember Foundation with this important cause.
Movember Facts
- Movember is the leading charity dedicated to changing the face of men’s health.
- Movember 1 kicks-off the start of our 14th annual campaign in Canada (began in 2007 in Canada) where we raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention.
- To date, through the moustaches grown and the conversations generated, we’ve helped fund 1,250 innovative men’s health projects globally, nearly 300 of those right here in Canada.
Canada - Prostate cancer
- Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among men
- Every day, 63 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer (2019) 1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime (2019)
- If detected early survival is close to 100 per cent, if detected late, three out of four men will die
Canada - Testicular cancer
- Most commonly diagnosed cancer in young men
- 8,000 Canadian men are estimated to be living with or beyond a testicular cancer diagnosis in Canada
Canada - Suicide
- three out of four suicides are by men
- On average, Canadian men die four years earlier than women
- Movember has been investing in mental health programming in Canada since 2013
- Suicide is the second leading cause of death among Canadians aged 15-44 years
For more information on the Movember Foundation or men’s health, click here.