Contact North | Contact Nord online learning centre located in Thessalon (in the Thessalon First Nation Community Centre) is holding an open house on Wednesday, March 23, 2016 at 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Contact North Ontario’s distance education and training network, with 112 online learning centres across the province, including Cornwall, partners with Ontario’s 24 public colleges, 22 public universities, and 250 literacy and basic skills and training providers to deliver their online programs and courses.
Funded by the Government of Ontario to provide local access to education and training opportunities, it ensures residents living in small, rural, remote, Aboriginal and Francophone communities can participate in over 1,200 online programs and 18,000 online courses without having to leave their community.
Residents are able to take a free live course, First Steps To Online Learning, to get acquainted with online learning.
Contact North | Contact Nord staff are also able to help explore online programs and online courses, financial aid and help with registration.
To explore available online programs and online courses visit