On Friday, Dec. 10, 2021 the Piper Project was presented a generous donation from RTO ERO District 3 Algoma at The Hogan's Homestead Gift Shop in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.
$1 from each RTO ERO District 3 Algoma Member was donated totaling a donation of $1,195. Erica and Spencer Hogan along with their youngest daughter Emma James accepted a cheque from president Kathryn Greening, vice-president Chris Rous, secretary Barb Perry, treasure Bruce along with some members, including Sherrell Dewar who made the suggestion of The Piper Project for their yearly donation.
With this generous donation, the Piper Project will be able to purchase books from local authors and stores who sell new children's books so every new baby born at the Sault Area Hospital can go home with a book to spark the love of reading.
The Piper Project would like to thank every member of RTO ERO District 3 Algoma along with everyone who has made a book donation to the project, and cannot believe how something as small as a book as grown and brought light to our community.
For more information or to donate, please visit