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Iron Bridge Recreation Centre gets a $54,700 boost

Recreation Centre is utilized by community organizations and individuals to host celebrations, fundraisers and other recreational or cultural activities
Jane Armstrong and Mayor Reeves. Photo submitted by Municipality of Huron Shores

On Saturday, May 26, during the Iron Bridge Agricultural Society’s annual MusicFest, Iron Bridge Recreation Committee members welcomed members of the public to a ceremony to mark the completion of renovations to the Recreation Centre, thanks to receiving a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

Mayor Gil Reeves was on hand to congratulate the Committee Members and thank OTF for its funding contribution to the improvements. “This investment by the Ontario Trillium Foundation to repair the roof, install insulation, strapping and metal cladding to the exterior of the building; and to retrofit the building with new LED lighting is great news for many in our community,” said Mayor Reeves.

Located at the intersection of Highway 17 and Chiblow Lake Road, the Iron Bridge Recreation Centre is utilized by a variety of community organizations and individuals to host celebrations, fundraisers and other recreational or cultural activities.

“The impact of this Ontario Trillium Foundation grant cannot be underestimated,” said Jane Armstrong, a member of the Recreation Committee. “This grant has allowed needed renovations to be undertaken.”

The Municipality of Huron Shores is committed to preserving this facility, improving its energy efficiency, and ensuring that it remains accessible for community events for many years to come. If you wish to enquire about booking the Iron Bridge Recreation Centre, please visit the Recreation Centres page at or contact the Municipal Office at 705-843-2033.

An agency of the Government of Ontario, the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is one of Canada’s leading granting foundations. OTF awards grants to some 1,000 projects every year to build healthy and vibrant Ontario communities. For more information, visit


