In the much-loved Road Runner cartoons, it seemed as though anything was possible. If the Road Runner wasn’t afraid of Wile E. Coyote, what’s stopping you from lacing up your shoes and hitting the pavement this June at the 19th annual Run the Great Lakes? Running has been proven to improve mood, boost the immune system and build camaraderie.
If you’re new to the running scene, are an elite runner, or simply want to see what running is all about, Run the Great Lakes is the event for you this summer. You don’t have to be fast - you can jog or even walk your way to fitness while supporting local charities.
Along with the 5K and 10K loops, this year, the run committee is excited to announce the addition of the “Kids Love to Run” 1 and 2K fun run sponsored by Canadian Tire starting at 9 a.m.
The Jumpstart program at Canadian Tire, along with the YMCA, are thrilled to present this event. Kids of all ages are invited to participate, regardless of skill level.
All proceeds from the kids run will be donated to facilitate a run camp which will help educate children on the health benefits of running and get them excited to lace up their running shoes.
“The body achieves what the mind believes.”
Challenge your fellow coworkers, friends, neighbors and family to take part in this year's team challenge.
You'll have a blast, feel great and maybe even win a few prizes! Teams of similar sizes will compete for great prizes, all while helping to raise funds for Hospice and Sault Athletics. Every team challenge entry will be eligible for individual prizes and draws as well.
Last year, this run raised an amazing $10,000 for ARCH Hospice. Don’t miss this fun community run in support of local charities. We hope to see everyone out on Sunday, June 11.