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Local athlete wins second provincial Jiu Jitsu championship

12-year-old Jayvyn Battle has rattled off three consecutive tournament victories
Jayvyn Battle STeel City MMA
Jayvyn Battle. Source: Steel City MMA Facebook

Local competitor Jayvyn Battle is on a roll when it comes to the sport of Jiu Jitsu. Battle has rattled off three consecutive tournament victories, claiming gold medals at the Grappling Industries tournament in Chicago in April, The Ontario Open International Championships in May and the Ontario Youth Championships on June 17.

Battle, who represents Steel City MMA, competes primarily in the sport of Jiu Jitsu, a grappling based sport based on throws, joint locks and submissions that is known for its effective self defense techniques.

While Jiu Jitsu is his main focus, the 12-year-old Battle also participates in wrestling, boxing and kickboxing and Steel City MMA to augment his training.

"We're not surprised at his success this year at all," says Steel City head coach Brent Fryia, "He is very dedicated, trains hard, puts in lots of hours and even does the extra work like training in the adult classes and gets in extra workouts on his own. He's a very focused martial artist, and he has earned his success through hard work."

The Grade 6 student at Pinewood Public school will be taking the summer off from competing as he spends the summer in Pennsylvania, although he intends to train at a local Jiu Jitsu club while in the United States. He intends to resume his competitive pursuits when he returns to Sault Ste. Marie in the fall.

Fryia has high praise for Battle, both on and off the mats. "Jayvyn is a great competitor, but more importantly, he is a good person. He is a great leader in our youth programs and is a hard working, kind student who is always willing to help new members at our gym. He is a fierce competitor but he understands that who you are as a person is just as important as how successful you are on the mats."


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