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Al Harnden is returning to the Brier

Al Harnden is going back to the Brier in search of a Canadian men's curling championship.

Al Harnden is going back to the Brier in search of a Canadian men's curling championship.

On Sunday afternoon at the Idylwylde Golf and Country Club in Sudbury, Harnden skipped his entry from the Soo Curlers Association to the Northern Ontario Men's Curling Championship with a convincing 14-6 win over hometown favourite Tim Phillips.

Harnden's rink includes vice skip Brad Jacobs, second Dusty Jakomait, who also has previous Brier experience, and lead Rob Thomas.

The team is now off the the Tim Horton's Brier which is scheduled for March 3-11 in Hamilton.

Harnden is making his fourth Brier appearance while Jakomait is making his second. Thomas and Jacobs are both Brier rookies.

At the provincials, Harnden finished the nine-team round robin schedule at the top of the standings with Phillips at 6-2. In the one-two page playoff on Saturday afternoon, Harnden fell 8-7 to Phillips to drop the Sault entry into the semi-final game on Saturday night.

In the semi-final, Harnden responded with an 8-1 win over Nipigon's Jeff Zechner to set up the rematch with Phillips.

Further details will come on Monday.


(Courtesy of

End 1:

Harnden's lead rock in the house. Phillips hits and rolls out. Centre guard is then made. Phillips comes around but stays half open. Harnden hits behind cover. Henderson peals centre guard. Harnden replaces centre guard. Phillips decides to come around but is a bit heavy and finishes in back 12 foot. Jacobs 1st stone is a draw that is right on top of shot stone top four. Phillips attempts to hit what he can see but ticks the guard and guard is still there. Jacobs last is another one on top to lie 3. Phillips needs to cut them down with a hit attempt but only catches the top stone. Harnden steals 2. End: 2

Another tight centre guard. Phillips slips into the house with his corner guard. Teams exchange hits with Phillips back button. Harnden draws on top to lay shot. Phillips tries to peal centre guard but just replaces the centre with his own. Harnden puts up a second centre guard. Henderson peals the top guard. Harnden puts up another guard. Henderson peals. Jacobs puts up the same guard which are now staggered. Phillips run back just misses leaving up a guard. Harnden calls for Jacobs to put up a 3rd guard. Phillips is left with out turn draw to the button, which comes up light. Another steal. End: 3

Harnden on the button with his lead. Phillips puts up a corner. Harnden comes around the corner to lay 2. Hong follows him down. Dusty then makes a pistol to knock him out to lay 3. Dumontelle draws in open. Another hit, Harnden lies 4. Henderson's 1st a nice tap back to lie 2nd shot in the four foot. Harnden hits to lie 2,3,4,5,6 shot. Henderson last is a rock to 12 on centre. Jacobs throws a heater and jams shot rock and leaves Phillips still shot. Phillips 1st is a pistol of a draw to lie 1,2. Jacobs hits the open stone leaving Phillips still lying 1. Phillips makes his open draw for 2. End: 4

Phillips puts up a centre guard. Harnden decides to come around but ticks and is wide open. Phillips hits and rolls out. Harnden comes around top 8. Dumontelle is light and puts up a second centre guard. Dusty puts one on the button. Dumontelle draw is a touch wide but on the T-line. Another Harnden rock comes in the four ft. Henderson draws it in but taps up Harnden. Harnden now lays 2. Harden goes opposite side top 8 for 5th shot. Henderson picks out shot rock and his own. Harnden taps lies 2. WOW Phillips last jams and disaster happens with Harnden having an open hit for 5. End: 5

End starts with 2 Harnden rocks in 4 ft and 2 Phillips corners. Dusty makes a pistol of a double peal. Harnden keeps on hitting forcing play in the rings. Henderson's 1st is a nice freeze to be shot. Al Harnden blasts it out to still lie 3. Henderson makes another great freeze. Jacobs throws a back line hit to jiggle things around and still lie shot. Phillips 1st is a nice angle tap to lie shot. Jacobs last is a heater but Phillips stills lies 1. Open draw on Phillips last for 2 comes up short. Phillips counts 1. End: 6

2 Centre guards by Phillips with 2 Harnden counters. Dumontelle makes a draw top 4 for shot. Harnden peals the front guard. Henderson makes a pistol of a draw around a tight centre guard. Al noses the top guard. Another nice Henderson draw around the tight guard. Harnden peals the centre again with Phillips lying 2. Phillips 1st is a guard to protect shot stone. Jacobs throws a raise double to clear out the front and leaves Phillips lying 1 just behind the button. Phillips last is a very nice draw top 4 to lie 2. Jacobs ends up jamming on his last and Phillips steals 1. End: 7

Phillips is taking out all the stops. 3 centre guards and Harnden lying 2. Dumontelle raises in one of the Phillips rocks. Dusty's last is a draw to top 8 to lie 3 for Harnden. Henderson makes a hit and roll to lie 2nd shot. Harnden's 1st is a guard attempt that comes in deep. Henderson draws on top leaving a ton of granite in the four foot with Harden lying 1. Al throws another draw into the pile. Phillips slashes a red into the mess and lies 2. Jacobs is forced to peal the centre guard in order to have something for his last. Phillips guards leaving a tough pick for Harnden which is missed. Steal of 2. End: 8

Phillips puts up a centre guard. Toner make a nice come around draw to four. Same thing now they lie 2 with 2 guards. Dusty clears out front. Henderson's 1st is around the centre guard to lie 3rd shot. Al's make a tricky hit to take out Phillips shot top 12. Henderson's just misses the run back but ends up top 12. Harnden is lying 1 with Phillips lying 2,3. Phillips raises his own to take out shot rock. Phillips lies 1,2. Jacobs threads the needle through a tight port to lie 2,3 top 8. Phillips raise is a bit outside end ohly removes 1. Jacobs now has a hit and stick for 2 which he makes. End: 9

Open end with play slipping into the rings. Nice hit and roll by Al Harnden to continue to lie 3 in the house. Henderson make a freeze attempt but comes up a bit short. Harnden hits and rolls again to lie 4. Phillips tries to freeze to shot on his 1st but comes up light. Jacobs last is used to close down the 4ft leaving Phillips facing 5 on his last. Phillips makes a gallant effort on his last rock but gives up 4. TEAM HARNDEN IS GOING TO THE BRIER. ***

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