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Yevgeny Medvedev

Yevgeny Medvedev replaces long-time French professor Marcel Pichot, who retired this past spring after more than 30 years at LSSU.

Yevgeny Medvedev replaces long-time French professor Marcel Pichot, who retired this past spring after more than 30 years at LSSU.

Medvedev - who is no relation to Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev - has a freshly minted doctorate in French literature from the University of Toronto; a master of philosophy and art in French lit from Columbia University; and a B.A. in economics, summa cum laude, from UCLA.

His recent work experience includes teaching French at U of T, being a research assistant with the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario.

He also provides translation services through Anthropologica.

Medvedev's academic specialty is 17th- and 18th-Century authors such as Pascal Racine, Corneille, Moliere, and Abbe Prevost, along with 20th-Century novelists Proust, Kundera, Makine, Sartre, Camus, and Cracq.

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