They were trapped in their own homes on Sussex Road.
Sam Scornaienchi was outraged when he came to his 90-year-old mother’s home and found a wall of ice and snow blocking her driveway and that of her neighbour who is in her 70s.
He called it unacceptable snow removal.
“It has caused one of the homeowners to miss a medical appointment and no emergency access,” said Scornaienchi.
He said the two feet of ice would challenge even the most able-bodied person with the best snowblower.
It’s a common winter complaint, but one that’s quite demoralizing for homeowners..
“We recognize that the past few days have been difficult on all of us with winter maintenance,” said city spokesperson Tessa Vecchio.
She explained that the plow routes are established based on traffic patterns.
“Snow is most typically pushed to the right, which doesn’t allow the operators in most cases, to alter where or how the snow is deposited. For example, a corner lot may receive more snow since the operator has to remove snow from the entire intersection area, as well as usually larger stretches of roadway to carry along, which gets deposited in the first driveway it encounters. It does not get done intentionally, nor is it avoidable,” she wrote in an email.
“If the snow and/or ice is deposited at the end of a driveway during a standard snow plowing exercise or following a snow event, the city cannot remove the windrow regardless of height. Cutting the roads is done to minimize rutting of the snowpack, usually when temperatures may be rising or other circumstances (i.e. weather event such as rain) requires it be done. If the City is removing snow, staffing levels and available equipment are considered prior to any driveway clearing as driveways are the responsibility of the resident.”
Vecchio went on to say there are removal businesses that can help and that social services offers a program for seniors and others who qualify.