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VIDEO: ‘Elbows up, Canada’: Carney and Myers

'But let me ask you, Mr. Prime Minister, will there always be a Canada?' Myers said
Prime Minister Mark Carney and Mike Myers shared a message to Canadians

Prime Minister Mark Carney shared a video to Canadians on his Facebook page on Saturday, featuring fellow Canadian Mike Myers. 

“I just thought I’d come up and check on things,” said Myers, who was raised in Scarborough before becoming famous in Saturday Night Live, Wayne’s World, the Austin Powers films, and Shrek

“But you live in the States?” Carney said. 

“Yeah, but I’ll always be Canadian.” 

Carney then proceeded to grill Myers on several Canadian facts. 

Myers, of course, passed the test, then asked Carney a question of his own. 

“But let me ask you, Mr. Prime Minister, will there always be a Canada?” he said. 

“There will always be a Canada,” Carney said. 

“All right, elbows up,” Myers said. 

“Elbows up,” Carney replied. 

At the end of the video, take a look at what it says on the back of the jersey that Myers is wearing.

Also on Saturday, Carney announced he would run in the Nepean riding. 

“Ottawa is where Mark Carney raised his family, devoted his career to public service, and always gave back to his community,” his Facebook page said. 

“We're thrilled to announce that our Leader, Mark Carney, will be our candidate for Nepean in the next election. Together we will build an even stronger Canada,” the post said.

Carney is expected to call an election on Sunday.


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