************************* Stupak refutes false claims in Naral ad
WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Menominee) has responded to a new ad paid for by Naral Pro-Choice America that is circulating the latest misinformation about the Stupak amendment in H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act.
“The continued spread of misinformation about the Stupak amendment by Naral and other organizations has no place in the health-care reform debate. Our focus must be on passing health-care reform legislation - not on overturning more than 30 years of federal policy prohibiting federal funding of abortion. Our amendment maintains current law. That is why it was supported by 64 pro-choice and pro-life Democrats, 41 of whom went on to vote for H.R. 3962, enabling health care reform to pass in the House. I will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure we maintain current law of no federal funding for abortion in order to pass health reform legislation that provides access to quality, affordable health care for all Americans.”
A closer look at the claims made in the Naral ad show them to be both inaccurate and untruthful.
Naral falsely claims Stupak introduced abortion into America’s health-care debate.
It was Congresswoman Capps (D-CA) who injected abortion into health care with her amendment.
The Capps amendment attempted to set a new precedent for abortion funding, essentially negating the Hyde language that has been law for more than 30 years.
The Capps amendment mandated at least one insurance plan provide abortion coverage; required a minimum $1 monthly charge for every enrollee in the public option that would go toward paying for abortion; and, allowed individuals receiving federal affordability credits to purchase health insurance plans that cover abortion.
The Stupak amendment responded by striking the Capps amendment out of H.R. 3962.
NARAL falsely claims Stupak is trying to make it more difficult than ever before for women to buy insurance coverage for abortion in the new health-care system, even if they use their own money.
Yet, nothing in the Stupak amendment prevents women from purchasing abortion coverage with private funds.
In fact, no matter which plan a person chooses they may purchase additional abortion coverage using private dollars.
Under the Stupak amendment, only the public health insurance option and private plans that receive federal subsidies will be prohibited from covering abortion.
It does not prevent individuals or private plans within the health insurance exchange from purchasing or offering abortion services when paid for with their own money.
Naral falsely claims the Stupak amendment imposes one of the worst restrictions on a woman’s right to choose in a generation.
The Stupak amendment is in line with current law, as well as public opinion and does not restrict any woman’s ability to obtain abortion services.
Current law prohibits federal funding of abortion and insurance policies that cover abortion through programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, and the Federal Employee Health Benefit Program.
The Stupak amendment is continuation of this policy - nothing more, nothing less.
According to recent polls by Washington Post-ABC News and CNN, 61 percent of Americans do not support the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortion.
Additionally, 64 pro-life and pro-choice Democrats voted for the Stupak amendment.
“I encourage members of Congress to listen to the American people and the majority of House members who have made it very clear we do not want taxpayer dollars funding abortion,” Stupak said. “While these ads may be great for NARAL’s fundraising efforts, they unfortunately have no basis in reality and are a distraction from efforts to move true health-care reform forward in this nation.”