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Students can apply for Maria Burgess Memorial Music and Theatre Award

In its inaugural year, this award recognizes and provides funds to local students pursuing post-secondary education in music and or theatre
From left, Penny Gribbon, Helena Huopalainen, Maria Burgess, Sharon Vanderburg, and Valerie Pluss participated in a Soo Sings for Kids flash mob at Rome's in 2022


The family of Maria Burgess is pleased to announce they are now accepting applications for this year’s Maria Burgess Memorial Music and Theatre Award.

This award honours the life of Maria Burgess by recognizing and providing $1,000 to an individual in our community with a passion for music and/or theatre who is pursuing post-secondary education.

Maria became involved in local theatre in the mid-70s, and for the next 40 years performed, produced, and directed countless productions. Two of her biggest passions were The Soo Sings for Kids, and Theatre SMC (St. Mary’s College).

Maria guided and mentored several young performers from Theatre SMC who went on to pursue professional careers in the arts.

“Maria supported me in both community theatre and high school and continued to be a passionate champion as I began my professional career as a musical theatre artist. Her love of the arts and unwavering support of students and mentees was unmatched- this award is the perfect way to honour her incredible legacy,” says Adam Proulx.

“It was music that first brought Maria and I together. Maria was singing in a band at Brock University in 1973 when we met at her band practice. Supporting her love of music and theatre with this award brings our family great pride,” says Maria’s husband Steve.

Eligible applicants who are enroled in a recognized post-secondary institution to study music and/or theatre are invited to apply. Applications will be accepted until April 17, 2025. 

Please email any questions to [email protected]



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